
[Several cars collided in lane three.]
lane threeとはどういうことなのでしょうか。
the third laneもしくはthree lanesの誤りなのでしょうか。

A 回答 (1件)

lane three は、第3車線のことで、 third lane と同じ意味です。

[数台の車が第3車線で衝突した] となります。

たとえば、つぎの文はイギリスの交通事故の調書らしいのですが、lane three  ということばを同じようにつかっています (参考URL)。

The defendant's vehicle was first noticed on the motorway driving erratically, giving the impression that something was seriously wrong with the driver. ・・・ It continued drifting from lane to lane. It was then seen to swerve from the nearside lane across towards lane three. In doing so, it collided with another vehicle, forcing it to the offside, out of control, eventually overturning in lane two. As a result, the rear seat passenger died at the scene from injuries sustained.

参考URL:http://www.dft.gov.uk/stellent/groups/dft_rdsafe …
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