

A 回答 (4件)

I don’t mean to sound like Avis, I would rather be No.2 and try harder.

なんて短く言うのはいかがでしょうか? nine-dragon1119さんと全く同じPhilosophyを(No.2イズムとう言葉があったかどうか忘れましたが)売り物にしているのがレンタカー業界No.2のAvisです。Hertzに追いつけ追い越せ、We try harderがキャッチフレーズでそのいわれはアメリカならよく知られています
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お礼日時:2003/04/20 17:59

I don't like being on top, as I prefer to be on the bottom and lo

into your eyes.
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1) I do not want to be the top, because I want to look up to something/somebody better than me all the time. nine-dragon1119さんの例文に沿って書いてみました。

2) The top has/means nothing above that, why do I want to be there be lonely.

3) Realizing there are always better than me does help me keep trying harder.

4) Learning by watching those who are better than me has prevented me from wanting to be the number one!

5) The number 2 tries harder and more motivated because there is always number 1 above us.

6) You do not have to be the number one as long as we look up to it and try to be the number one!

7) There is always better than us but looking up to it and enjoy trying to be like it is what I like to do.

書き始めたら、どんどん出てきてしまいますので、一応この辺でやめておきますね。 でも、意味のある頑張りをして、See you at the TOP!!

これでいいでしょうか。 分からない点がありましたら、補足質問してください。
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お礼日時:2003/04/17 17:02

To be the top is not my goal. I would rather try to catch up with someone greater than me endlessly.

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お礼日時:2003/04/17 17:04
