
1 It was not ( ) I met you that I knew real happiness.
(by the time/the time/until/that)

2 It is one thing to own a library;it is quite ( )to use it wisely.
(the other/other/the same/another)

3 My opinion is different from ( ).

4 Both of my parents ski, but( )is good skier.

5 Please help ( )to whatever food you like.
(yourself/youes/for you/on yours)

A 回答 (1件)

1 It was not until I met you that I knew real happiness.

2 It is one thing to own a library; it is quite another to use it wisely.

3 My opinion is different from yours.

4 Both of my parents ski, but neither is good skier.

5 Please help yourself to whatever food you like.
    • good
    • 0


お礼日時:2011/05/01 19:14
