
フレンドリーに訳してくださいm(_ _*)m




A 回答 (4件)

No. 2 です。

> 私のことですm(_ _*)m

First things first, I've got to get into a college!

First things first, I gotta get into a college!
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You've got to get into a college!


私のことですm(_ _*)m

補足日時:2011/07/29 06:56
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First things first, you want to get into a college.

"you want to" は相手にあることをするようにアドバイスするときに使えます。押し付けがましくない表現です。
If you tell someone that they want to do a particular thing, you are advising them to do it. (INFORMAL)
例文: You want to be very careful not to have a man like Crevecoeur for an enemy...

"first things first"
http://eow.alc.co.jp/%22first+things+first%22/UT …

"you want to get into a college"
http://www.google.com/#sclient=psy&hl=en&site=&s …

"first things first you want to..."
http://www.google.com/#hl=en&cp=32&gs_id=3&xhr=t …


私のことですm(_ _*)m

補足日時:2011/07/29 06:56
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1 まず私は大学に合格しなきゃ! First, I better pass a college entrance exam(ination).

2. まずあなたは大学に合格しなきゃ! First, you better pass a college entrance exam.

3. まず彼は大学に合格しなきゃ! First, he better pass a college entrance exam.

4. まず彼女は大学に合格しなきゃ! First, she better pass a college entrance exam.

5 まず私たちは大学に合格しなきゃ! First, we better pass college entrance examinations.

6. まずあなた方は大学に合格しなきゃ! First, you better pass college entrance examinations.

7. まずあの人達は大学に合格しなきゃ! First, they better pass college entrance examinations.

    First, (you)’d better (...) とか First, (you) had better (...) ということも出来ます。
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