

Jonathan Clemente is a doctor doing research for a book on medical intelligence. He says the CIA team tries to predict how a leader will act.

JONATHAN CLEMENTE: What they try and do on the psychological side of things is describe a constellation of psychiatric signs and symptoms, and then to describe for the policy makers how someone with that particular set of findings may react to certain situations.

A 回答 (1件)

What they try and do on the psychological side of things までが文章の主語です。

on the psychological side of things は単なる副詞句ですので、What they try and do が骨格となる主語です。

is describe は is to describe とすべきところの to が抜け落ちた形でしょう。is to describe ... and then to describe ... と補語が二つ、並列的に配列されています。

describe for the policy makers how ... という部分は「how 以下を政策立案者に示す」といった意味合いになります。
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