

件名: 3号棟 105号室 キッチン天井より水漏れについて


1/16(月) 22:05 お客様より「キッチン天井のキャビネット付近より水が漏れている」との連絡が入る。
1/17(火) 00:40 技術者がお客様宅に到着、天井裏を確認した所、配管にヒビが有り水漏れ。
1/17(火) 15:00 再度、お客様宅に訪問をして、配管のヒビを塞ぎ、配管の修理終了。

1/19(木) 16:30 水漏れが無いか最終確認を行う。(お客様にアポイントメントは取っています。)


A 回答 (1件)


Subject: regarding the water leak from the kitchen ceiling in the Room 105, Building 3

The followings are the progress and our schedule.

January 16 (Mon) 22:05 A customer contacted us and reported that the water was dripping from the ceiling near the upper cabinets".

January 17 (Tue) 00:40 Our worker (配管工の場合は Our plumberでいいと思います) arrived at the customer's house and found the water leak from a crack of the pipe in the ceiling. He used a tape to seal the crack for the temporary fix.

January 17 (Tue) 15:00 Our worker returned to the customer's house. He sealed the crack and completed the repair.

Our schedule
January 19 (Thurs) Our worker will do a final check for the leak (The customer has an appointment).

Next week, we will patch the hole in the ceiling that we opened for the repair and paint it.
    • good
    • 0
