

(At a particular stage of social progress they are invaluable expedients
for overcoming the rigidity of law, and, indeed, without one of them,
the Fiction of Adoption which permits the family tie to be artificially created,
it is difficult to understand how society would ever have escaped from
its swadding-clothes, and taken its first steps towards civilisation.)

A 回答 (2件)

> At a particular stage of social progress they are invaluable expedients for overcoming the rigidity of law, and, indeed, without one of them, the Fiction of Adoption which permits the family tie to be artificially created, it is difficult to understand how society would ever have escaped from its swaddling clothes, and taken its first steps towards civilisation.

--- 拙訳 ---

全体として、fictions は、価値があるとしながらも、the Fiction of Adoption だけ価値がないとしています。

「親の犠牲になる子ども」は、「擬制の犠牲にもなる」… ひとりごと。原文は、こんなにふざけてはいないですね。

--- keys ---
At… progress =副詞句
they = S = fictions
are = V
invaluable = 「(ほめて)価値が測れないほど価値がある」valuable より強い意味。
one of them =the Fiction of Adoption… created
it = S 仮主語
is = V
difficult = C
to understand… =真主語
how = 疑問副詞(関係副詞として考えれば、「… の方法」と訳すことができる)
how… =間接疑問文
society = how節内の S
would ever have escaped… and taken…
would = 「過去の習慣/習性」
ever = 「かつて」
civilisation 英= civilization 米 「文明」 --- 原文で、civilisation となっていますね。
they の意味を確かめるために、元のサイトへ行ってきました。

以上、少しでもお役に立てたでしょうか? ★ydna★
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お礼日時:2012/09/03 17:59


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お礼日時:2012/09/03 17:58
