
The Anderson Museum of Space located in downtown Anderson City has been one of the state's leading tourist attractions since it opened in 1989.
Containing over 3000 artifacts - from tools to spacesuits to realistic recreations of spacecraft - ( )( ) related to the history of space exploration, AMOS attracts visitors from all over the world.


( )( )のところには、
who are
which is
what is
that are
のどれかが入るのですが、私はwhat isかと思っているのですがあっていますか?

A 回答 (1件)

> The Anderson Museum of Space located in downtown Anderson City has been one of the state's leading tourist attractions since it opened in 1989. Containing over 3000 artifacts - from tools to spacesuits to realistic recreations of spacecraft - ( ) ( ) related to the history of space exploration, AMOS attracts visitors from all over the world.

 downtown Anderson City にある The Anderson Museum of Space は since it opened in 1989 (1,989年以来) one of the state's leading tourist attractions である。

 3000 artifacts -- tools to spacesuits から realistic recreations of spacecraft まで -- を有しており、それらは the history of space exploration であり、AMOS (= The Anderson Museum of Space) は visitors from all over the world を惹きつけている。

 Containing over 3000 artifacts - from tools to spacesuits to realistic recreations of spacecraft - ( ) ( ) related to the history of space exploration という部分をよく見ると、真ん中が - ではさまれている。その真ん中の部分を取り除いてみると、

 Containing over 3000 artifacts ... ( ) ( ) related to the history of space exploration

となる。( ) ( ) related to ... という部分の主語は何か? over 3000 artifacts の部分。簡単にいうと artifacts が主語。それは単数か複数か? それを考えるとおのずと答えは分かるのではないでしょうか。
    • good
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