


Life is a play that does not allow testing. So, sing, cry, dance, laugh and live intensely, before the curtain closes and the piece ends with no applause.

Life's like a theater. So, sing, cry, dance, laugh and live intensely, before the curtain closes and the piece ends with no applause

A 回答 (2件)


Charlie Chaplin Club

I found a poem attributted to Chaplin, I can't find it in en...
http://www.charliechaplinclub.com/i-found-a-poem …


●Jessica さん(Link #10)

The poem "As I Began To Love Myself" was actually written by Kim & Alison McMillen, not Chaplin. It is often falsely attributed to him on the internet. This link goes into detail about how Chaplin's name may have been linked to this poem : http://comoutrosolhos.multiply.com/journal/item/ …

(意訳) 詩 "As I Began To Love Myself" は Kim & Alison McMillenによって書かれた。チャップリンではない。この詩は、しばしばインターネット上で誤って、彼の作とされる。(略)

I also have my doubts about the other poem as well : "Life is a play that does not allow trials...". I have never heard of it nor seen it in any of his writings, plus it just doesn't seem like Chaplin's writing style to me. I also don't recall Chaplin writing that much poetry. I can only recall seeing one or two poems that were written by him (one was called "Nocturne" which was published in "Script" magazine in 1934). It's possible he wrote more, but didn't publish them. There were, of course, plenty of poems written about him.
I have found that there are many quotes and poems attributed to Chaplin on the internet, but without a proper citation to back them up--just his name.

(意訳) もう一つ他の詩にも疑いがある。私は、"Life is a play that does not allow trials..."を、彼の著作の中で、聞いたことも見たこともない。さらに言えば、私にはチャップリンのライティング・スタイルにすら見えない。(中略) インターネット上には、チャップリンが書いた(言った)とされる多くの名言や詩がある。しかし、それらを裏付ける適切な出典がない、ただ彼の名前が書かれているだけである。

●alyson さん(Link #11)

As for Life is a play perhaps it has been changed and added to over the years, but this piece of it is definitely his own words :

Life is a play that does not allow testing. So, sing, cry, dance, laugh and live intensely, before the curtain closes and the piece ends with no applause.
Charles Chaplin - (略)

(意訳) Life is a play について言えば、これは年を経て、書き換えられたり書き足されたりしてきたのだろう。しかし、この作品は間違いなく彼自身の言葉である。(略)

●Jessica さん(Link #28)

I translated the text on the Spanish website and it's the poem that begins with the phrase "Life is a play that does not allow trials". Chaplin did not write this. There are hundreds of websites and blogs that attribute these poems and other writings to Chaplin, but do not provide any source material (when it was written or where it was published, etc), just his name. Therefore, they are usually not legitimate.


Someone inquired about this poem (the Spanish version) recently on the official Charlie Chaplin Facebook page, and a representative at the Chaplin Office in France replied that it was "A fake. A common one unfortunately". Here's the link. The post is from Feb. 24, you will need to scroll almost all the way down.

ある人が、この詩(スペイン語ヴァージョン)について、オフィシャルの Charlie Chaplin Facebook で尋ねたところ、フランスのチャップリン・オフィスの代理人が次のように答えた:「それは、偽造品(fake)です。よくあることです。残念ですが」(略)

http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/pages/Charlie- Chaplin-Official/158643990861177
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お礼日時:2012/12/02 22:46

No.1 です。




Daniel Carrillo→Charlie Chaplin (Official)

I.ve found this in internet.

They say it is from Chaplin, but I can't find any faithfull information, nor english or spanish, can anyone help?


La vida es una obra de teatro que no permite ensayos...
Por eso, canta, ríe, baila, llora,
y vive intensamente cada momento de tu vida...
antes que el telón baje,
...y la obra termine sin aplausos.


Charles Chaplin



Charlie Chaplin (Official) A fake. Common one, unfortunately.
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お礼日時:2012/12/02 22:48
