

make the pitch high? make the tone high?


A 回答 (3件)

You don't have to add "ka" at the end of a sentence in order to form a question in Japanese--all you have to do is finish it with a rising intonation. It sounds more natural to a native speaker's ear.


It's the same in English; you can ask a question with a rising intonation (at the end of a sentence) without a question 'marker' like an auxiliary verb. Like, "Want one?" or "You're not going?" instead of "Do you want one?" or "Are you not going?"
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Place a stress on the last word . と通常言います。

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First, remove the "ka" at the end of the sentence.

Second, raise the tone at the end of the sentence without the "ka".
This way the question sounds a little more gentle.

For example:

Instead of saying Taberuka?, say Taberu? [with the "ru" part raised]
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