
The intervention was found to be acceptable and safe for the selected were missed
because of exercise-in-duced musculoskeletal complaints, nor did any subjects drop out because of dissatisfaction with the program. Medical illness requiring hospitalization did cause two participants to withdraw, illustrating the role of intercurrent illness as a cause of deconditioning and progressive debilitation 34.
The conclusion that the intervention was only partially effective is based on the evaluation of five types of outcome variables. Strength, endurance and gait improved significantly, but left the treated patients still considerably below age-matched healthy individuals in these respects. Aerobic work capacity and balance were not improved by the 12wk of exercise. The participants in the exercise program did increase their lower extremity muscle strength. The isotonic strength measurements increased symmetrically, whereas the isokinetic strength measure ments revealed left-side gains to be greater than those on the right. In addition to strength, both right and left lower extremity muscular endurance improved significantly. At the end of the exercise program, however, the average scores for strength and endurance were still only about 65% of age-matched normal values.


A 回答 (1件)


(1)The intervention was found to be acceptable and safe for the selected

The intervention was found to be acceptable and safe for the selected deconditioned elderly subjects.

(2)were missed because of exercise-in-duced musculoskeletal complaints

No sessions were missed because of exercise-induced musculoskeletal complaints

    • good
    • 0
