

Third , the Memoranda strategy must , in literally no time , turn the living standards of a euro-periphery country to that of a Balkan or even a Third World economy . Only with such a rapid devaluation of the value of labour-power and a corresponding increase in the exploitation of labour can profitability recover . It is only in this way (i.e. through a large depreciation of capital and a simultaneous increase in its profitability ) , that Greek capitalism can emerge from its crisis and resume the process of capital accumulation (i.e .economic growth ). But , as already explained , this requires a deep recession of a long duration . In addition , the restart of economic growth does not mean the end of austerity but the opposite . In order to sustain the capital profitability , austerity should be continued and deepened . Otherwise the recovery of capitalist accumulation will stop again and recession will return . Finally , even when the process of capitalist accumulation restarts , this will happen with the Greek capitalism downgraded and weakened within the international capitalist system .
Summarising , the whole project is very ambitious and risky because economic activities and social balances are violently disrupted . This turns the crisis from primarily economic to social and political , which can lead , at any time ( even in phase where normal economic growth might seem restored ) , to uncontrolled socio-political explosions . Nevertheless , the Greek and EU ruling classes know there is no alternative . The Keynesian view of anti-cyclical policy and mild austerity -because even Keynesian scenarios (at least the serious ones ) provide for some kind of austerity -has already been used at the outbreak of the global crisis and shown that it cannot resolve the crisis .

A 回答 (1件)

> Third, the Memoranda strategy must, in literally no time, turn the living standards of a euro-periphery country to that of a Balkan or even a Third World economy.


> Only with such a rapid devaluation of the value of labour-power and a corresponding increase in the exploitation of labour can profitability recover.


> It is only in this way (i.e. through a large depreciation of capital and a simultaneous increase in its profitability), that Greek capitalism can emerge from its crisis and resume the process of capital accumulation (i.e. economic growth).

 このような方法 (すなわち資本側の大掛かりな減価償却を行うことと、同時に収益性の拡大をはかること) によってのみ、ギリシャの資本主義はその危機を脱し、資本を蓄積する過程 (すなわち経済成長) を復活させることが可能である。

> But, as already explained, this requires a deep recession of a long duration.


> In addition, the restart of economic growth does not mean the end of austerity but the opposite.


> In order to sustain the capital profitability, austerity should be continued and deepened.


> Otherwise the recovery of capitalist accumulation will stop again and recession will return.


Finally, even when the process of capitalist accumulation restarts, this will happen with the Greek capitalism downgraded and weakened within the international capitalist system.


> Summarising, the whole project is very ambitious and risky because economic activities and social balances are violently disrupted.


> This turns the crisis from primarily economic to social and political, which can lead, at any time (even in phase where normal economic growth might seem restored), to uncontrolled socio-political explosions.

 これによってこの危機は経済的なものから社会的および政治的なものへと転じてしまい、いつなんどき (たとえ正常な経済成長が復活したように見えたとしても)、制御不能な社会政治的な崩壊を導いてしまうかもしれない。

> Nevertheless, the Greek and EU ruling classes know there is no alternative.


> The Keynesian view of anti-cyclical policy and mild austerity-because even Keynesian scenarios (at least the serious ones) provide for some kind of austerity-has already been used at the outbreak of the global crisis and shown that it cannot resolve the crisis.

  ケインズ流の景気対策政策や緩やかな財政緊縮策 -- ケインズ流の方策 (少なくとも深刻なそれの場合) は何らかの緊縮策を取るというものだ -- は世界同時危機が勃発した際に用いられたが、危機を回避に効力がないことを示した。
    • good
    • 0


お礼日時:2015/01/24 00:08
