
フィリピンのニーナnina の歌の歌詞です。訳して下さい。お願い致します。

I knew it was there
Though I tried to hide it
The feeling just kept on shining through
Haven't known you that long
So I try to deny it
But the feeling was much
Too much too strong

Could this be love
Deep down inside
Tearing me apart
I feel it in my heart

Constantly, you're on my mind
Thinking about you all the time
I can't sleep no matter what I do
I just keep on thinking 'bout you

Why do I feel this way
When I know you have someone
That you're seeing in each and everyday
Should I play this game
Of just being your friend
When I know that's not where I want it to end

How could this be wrong
When the feeling so strong
Tearing me apart
I feel it in my heart

::Repeat Chorus 2x

No I don't want to start
No trouble
Between you and I and your lover
But I must tell you what I'm going through
Everytime you walk by
I see love in your eyes

A 回答 (1件)

I knew it was there..........あそこにあった事は知っていた

Though I tried to hide it...........隠したかったけど
The feeling just kept on shining through..........感情は未だ輝き続けている
Haven't known you that long.............あんなに長く貴方の事を知らないなんて
So I try to deny it............だから認めたくない
But the feeling was much............だけど思いは
Too much too strong...........強すぎる

Could this be love..........これは恋なのでしょうか
Deep down inside...........深く入って来て
Tearing me apart...........私をばらばらにする
I feel it in my heart...........心で感じるの

Constantly, you're on my mind...........貴方はずっと私の中
Thinking about you all the time............ずっと貴方の事を考えている
I can't sleep no matter what I do..............どうやっても眠れない
I just keep on thinking 'bout you.............ずっと貴方の事を考えている

Why do I feel this way..............どうしてこういう風に考えてしまうのか
When I know you have someone..............貴方が誰か他の人と一緒で
That you're seeing in each and everyday..........ずっと見ているのに
Should I play this game..........このゲームは続けるべきか
Of just being your friend............友達として
When I know that's not where I want it to end...............そういう形で終わらせるのは望んでいないのに

How could this be wrong..........どれほど間違っているの
When the feeling so strong...........この強い思い
Tearing me apart..........ばらばらに成りそうな
I feel it in my heart..........心で感じる

::Repeat Chorus 2x

No I don't want to start.............始めたくない
No trouble......厄介事は沢山
Between you and I and your lover............わたし、貴方、貴方の恋人
But I must tell you what I'm going through...........でも、私が進み道は貴方に言わないと
Everytime you walk by.......貴方が通り過ぎると
I see love in your eyes.......貴方の目に愛を感じる
    • good
    • 1


お礼日時:2016/08/17 13:34
