
The Sun is setting and you're right here by my side
And the movie is playing, but we won't be watching tonight
Every look, every touch makes me wanna give you my heart
I'd be crushin' on you, baby
Stay the way you are

Cause I never knew, I never knew
You could have moonlight in your hands
'Til the night I held you
You are my moonlight
7行目のYou could have moonlight in your handsのcouldですが、文法的にはどのような解釈をすればいいのでしょうか。

A 回答 (2件)

Cause I never knew that you could have moonlight in your hands until the night I held you.


"you could have moon light in your hands" って最初は「あなたが…」なのかと思いましたけど一般論の「人って…」のほうの "you" なんですね、これ。
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主節の I never knew が過去なので、それにあわせて、従属節の You can have moonlight の can が could になったもの。

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