


ラブコメによくありがちな、美少女の作ったカレーが激辛で主人公が苦しむという場面でのやり取りです。 (ただし、まだ両者は恋愛感情を抱いていません)(ちなみに美少女はSです。)


(文の出典: ボディーガードな彼女いわく、サディスティック日和にて)


"What the hell did you put in..."
"Have you ever heard of the Habanero, a kinda chili pepper."
"How dare you..."
"Well then, have you also heard of the Trinidad scorpion 'Butch T' pepper, which is much hotter than the Habanero."
"That's an attempted murd..."
"But even that is not the hottest. Have you ever heard of the Worlds Hottest Pepper as ranked by Guinness Records, the Carolina Reaper?"
"Enough of foreplay! Just kill me already! Didn't you know that, the more you tell me about the chili, the more I could imagine what happening in my mouth, the hell I am in right now!?"
"That's exactly why I am doing this."




A 回答 (1件)

"What the-!? Did you-!? This-!?"

"By the way did you know that habanero is a type of chili pepper?"

"So that's what you-"

"Alright then. Do you know about the Trinidad scorpion 'Butch T' pepper which is even spicier than the habanero pepper?"

"Of course, I don't! I've never even heard of the-"

"Then how about the one above which has been on the Guinness book of records for being the world's spiciest pepper, the Carolina Reaper?"

"Dang it! If that's what you put in there, then just say so! The way you're giving it to me in stages makes it even worse! It hurts worse!!"

"Of course. Did you think I wouldn't know that?"


"What the hell did you put in-"

"Have you ever heard of the habanero which is a type of chili pepper?"

"Are you saying-"

"Well then, have you also heard of the Trinidad scorpion 'Butch T' pepper which is much hotter than the habanero?"

"You can't seriously be saying you-"

"But even that is not the hottest ever. Did you know that the Carolina Reaper was once ranked in the Guinness book of records as the world's hottest pepper?"

"Just kill me already! You do know that the more you tell me about these chili peppers, the more painful I'm feeling in there in my mouth!?"

"Of course. That's the only reason I presented it to you the way I did."
    • good
    • 1



>"What the-!? Did you-!? This-!?"
>"So that's what you-"
>"Are you saying-"
>"You can't seriously be saying you-"

実は、合いの手が意外とかなり難しかったです。最後まで言っていないのに、意味が通じる。そんな表現どうしたら?と思いました。 教えていただいた表現は頭の片隅程度には見覚えはあるのですが、全然自分からは出てこなかったのが残念です。

>Then how about the ~

これです!! これを言いたかったのです!!! これも、誰でも知っている表現なのに、何故か自分からは出てこないんです。 頑張ってこういう表現が出てくるようにします。

>the one above which has been on the Guinness book of records for being the world's spiciest pepper,

やっぱり、僕の表現は説明文でした! 命ある表現っていうのはこういうのを言うんですね~! 難しい!!!

>If that's what you put in there, ~


>Did you think I wouldn't know that?

知的に上から見下ろすようなセリフですね! まさにこの状況にピッタリです!

>Just kill me already!

この表現は使ってOKだったのですね。 Enough of foreplay! は、「遊びはおしまいだ!」みたいな感じですから考えてみると、ここで使うのは変でしたね。

> these chili peppers


>That's the only reason I presented it to you the way I did

プレゼンのpresentedを使えばよかったのですね! なんだか、「こういう言い方をした。」の表現は難しかったです。



お礼日時:2017/03/02 18:10
