
Do you have any pets?

The percentage of people who have pets in japan from pet boom a few years ago is

And now one out of three households have pets.

There are still many dogs and cats, but other animals such as goldfish, birds, hamsters and rabbits are had as pets

To being with, pets have adapted to human life over a long period of time

Therefore, there are a lot of individuals who do not exsist in the wild originally.

In case of popular pet dog, they can be divided into 10 groups for human purposes,

Such as sheep dogs, pet dogs, and working dogs.

A 回答 (2件)

The percentage of people who have pets in Japan [since the] pet boom a few years ago [has increased.]

And now one out of [every] three households [has at least one pet.]

There are still many dogs and cats [as pets], but other animals such as goldfish, birds, hamsters, and rabbits [have also become popular.]

Pets have adapted to [living with people] over a long period of time.

[For that reason], there are [many types of animals that did not exist in the wild.]

[Take for example, the ever popular pet, the dog. Their breeds can be categorized into many groups meeting the needs of their human owners, such as sheep dogs, lap dogs, and working dogs.]

最後の「分ける」は英語の "divide" だとどちらかと言うと物理的に「仕分ける」と言うニュアンスになってしまうので "categorize" 「カテゴリ分けする」のほうが適していると思います。
    • good
    • 0



お礼日時:2017/05/17 00:17

Do you have any pets?

The percentage of people who have pets in japan from pet
boom a few years ago is Increasing. --> More and more people
have been keeping pets in Japan since the pet boom a few ye

And now one out of three households have pets. --> (Good!)

There are still many dogs and cats, but other animals such
as goldfish, birds, hamsters and rabbits are had as pets -->
Dogs and cats are still very popular, but they also keep as
pets other animals such as goldfish, birds, hamsters and

To being with, pets have adapted to human life over a long
period of time --> (Good!)

Therefore, there are a lot of individuals who do not exsist
in the wild originally. --> Therefore, there are individual
animals of the variations that had been non-existent in the

In case of popular pet dog, they can be divided into 10
groups for human purposes, Such as sheep dogs, pet dogs, and
working dogs. --> In the case of the dogs, a popular
domestic animal, they are categorized into 10 groups, such
as sheep dogs, pet dogs, and working dogs, each group
meeting a particular need on the side of the human beings.
    • good
    • 1



お礼日時:2017/05/16 20:54
