


There are so many countries which is having serious violent problems like terrorisms or wars. It's hard to suppose how many problems are there while I am living in here in Japan, which is one of the safest countries in the world, but I'm sure that there're problems more than we can solve.

Causes of those problems are various. Some can be solved just by negotiations, but most of them are too serious to solve by years of effort. For example, some countries are battling over lands because they understand treaties differently. This kind of historical problems will never end until either of the country would give up, which is not likely to happen so often.

Religion would also make the matters complicated. Wars and terrorisms come from religious conflicts hardly ever seem to disappear. People won't easily abandon tenets which they strongly believed in.

Sometimes organizations like UN would bring peace to battleships, but those groups don't seem to be quite reliable now. Especially because every country pursue their own benefits and not really cooperative enough to buckle down to the problems.

Although I disagree that we can achieve the goal of permanent peace, we should make one by one effort to decrease them. There's no doubt that people's apathy would make the things go worse.


  • 一文目早々にwhich is としてしまっていますがwhich are です

      補足日時:2017/05/31 14:31

A 回答 (6件)



which についてわかりやすい記事があったのでリンクを貼っておきます。
https://hapaeikaiwa.com/2016/08/04/%E3%80%8Cthat …


"For example" の部分は普通に小論文などに用いる表現なのでそのままで良いです。むしろその部分は英語の小論文らしかったので「あ、ここはちゃんとしてる」と思いました。

>while I am living in here in Japan,


>Causes of those problems are various. -> (Good!)


どうしても "Causes of" で始めるのであれば "Causes of these problems vary" のほうが読み手に興味を持たせられます。

Wars and terrorisms come from religious conflicts hardly
ever seem to disappear. -> War and terrorism come from
religious conflicts highly unlikely to disappear.

→ Wars and terrorism stemming from religious conflights are highly unlikely to disappear.

4.もともと "disappear" を "go away" と置き換えたのは "disappear" は「消える」と言うニュアンスが強いので英語ではこのような戦争などのことは「消える」よりも「去る・なくなる」のような "go away" のほうを使わないと変です。

Although I regard it as unreal that we be able to achieve the goal of
permanent peace,

→ Although it seems unrealistic to hope that we will be able to achieve permanent world peace


2.unreal を unrealistic に置き換えたのは「いつわりの」やアメリカスラングの「信じられない」などの意味も含まれるのでより正確な unrealistic のほうがしっかり意味が伝わるからです。


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お礼日時:2017/06/03 11:27

> 後、恐れながら追加の質問なのですが最初私がit's hard to

> suppose how many problems are there としているところを
> there are と訂正していただいているのですが、この語順はどう
> いう時にare there になりどういう時に逆になるのでしょうか…?

 There are forty members in our club.


 How many members are there?


 She asks us how many members there are in our club.

のように、"there are"に戻すのが普通です。
    • good
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お礼日時:2017/06/02 17:33

There are so many countries which is having serious violent

problems like terrorisms or wars. -> There are a great many
countries suffering from forms of violences like terrorism
and war. ("terrorism"は多くの場合不可算名詞として扱われます。

It's hard to suppose how many problems are there while I am
living in here in Japan, which is one of the safest
countries in the world, but I'm sure that there're problems
more than we can solve. -> It is hard to estimate how many
such problems there are while I live here in Japan, which is
one of the safest countries in the world, but I am sure that
there are more problems than we can solve. ("live"を進行形に

Causes of those problems are various. -> (Good!)

Some can be solved just by negotiations, but most of them
are too serious to solve by years of effort. -> Some can be
solved just through negotiations, but most of them are too
serious to solve even with years of effort. ("too serious to
solve by years of effort"だと、「あまりに深刻なので、解決に

For example, some countries are battling over lands because
they understand treaties differently. -> ... over
territories and national borders ...

This kind of historical problems will never end until either
of the country would give up, which is not likely to happen
so often. -> ... to take place so ... ("happen"は「偶然に起

Religion would also make the matters complicated. -> Also
Religion makes the matters complicated. (すでにはっきりした

Wars and terrorisms come from religious conflicts hardly
ever seem to disappear. -> War and terrorism come from
religious conflicts highly unlikely to disappear.

People won't easily abandon tenets which they strongly
believed in. -> People won't easily be able to make peace
among religious conflicts. (教義の放棄を求めるような表現はい

Sometimes organizations like UN would bring peace to
battleships, but those groups don't seem to be quite
reliable now. -> Sometimes organizations like the United
Nations would bring ceasefires to areas of warfare, but
those groups don't seem to be quite reliable now. (「時に平

Especially because every country pursue their own benefits
and not really cooperative enough to buckle down to the
problems. -> Especially because every country pursues their
own benefit and is not really cooperative enough to buckle
down to resolving the problems. ("is"がないのは大きな間違い

Although I disagree that we can achieve the goal of
permanent peace, we should make one by one effort to
decrease them. There's no doubt that people's apathy would
make the things go worse. -> Yet there's no doubt that
people's apathy would make the things go worse. Although I
regard it as unreal that we be able to achieve the goal of
permanent peace, we do have to commit ourselves to
diminution of warfare and terrorism. ("them"は指しているもの
    • good
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後、恐れながら追加の質問なのですが最初私がit's hard to suppose how many problems are there としているところを there are と訂正していただいているのですが、この語順はどういう時にare there になりどういう時に逆になるのでしょうか…?

お礼日時:2017/06/01 16:20


2nd paragraph についても気づいた点を書いてみます。

for example 口語チックです。 間違いではないですが、an を入れるか、複数にするかしたほうが良いかもしれません。
some は others と対にして使うとよいですよ。
too serious to solve by years of effort. 若干矛盾感があります。日本語にすると、「真剣過ぎる問題は長年にわたる努力により解決できません。」みたいな感じ。
→but most others are too complicated and cannot be solved even with years of efforts.

battleは戦闘というような狭い意味だから、もう少し広い意味での言葉を使ったほうが良いかもしれない。 conflictでもよいけど、前に使ったから、fight とかが良いかな。
land 若干あいまい territory とかborder (line)とか使ったほうが良いかな。
understand も言葉としては、少し引っ掛る。 interpretとかかなぁ。
This kind これは、単数でもよいかもしれないけど、本来は複数なのかな?
either of the country→either one or the other のほうがわかりやすいかな。
give up 目的語何をギブアップするのかが欲しいところ。
so often うーーん、、、idiomというほどでもないけど、too oftenのほうが安全かな。


・文の全体の構成を考えましょう thesisで始まめ、例を交えたsupporting bodyをいくつか書き、conclusionで終わらせてください。 主題から離れないこと、英文のエッセイの場合は(起承転結)はダメです、(論支支支結)と考えましょう。
・適切な単語を使いましょう(類語辞典 thesaurusを使うと、同義語、類語を調べることができます)
    • good
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お礼日時:2017/06/01 16:24

There are so many countries which is having serious violent problems like terrorisms or wars. It's hard to suppose how many problems are there while I am living in here in Japan, which is one of the safest countries in the world, but I'm sure that there're problems more than we can solve.

→ There are many countries that have serious problems like terrorism and wars. It is hard to conceive of the number of problems that are out there when I am living here in Japan, one of the safest countries in the world, but I am certain that there are more problems than we can solve.

so many → 「こんなにも多くの」
 「こんなにも多くの国が問題を抱えている」と述べる場合比較対象がないとおかしいです。一般英会話で "I'm so hungry" 「すっごいお腹減った!」のようなニュアンスでよく使われがちですがそもそもの意味が「こんなにも」なので口語ではない場面では「○○と比較して××はこんなにも」と言うような文章になるよう注意が必要です。
 so って実は結構使い辛い単語ですよ。

it's, I'm, there're などの省略はきちんとした文章では基本的にNGです。

I'm sure → 比較的カジュアルな表現なので I am certain など言い換えたほうがしっかりした印象を与えます。

which の使い方をおさらいしたほうが良いと思います。

Causes of those problems are various. Some can be solved just by negotiations, but most of them are too serious to solve by years of effort. For example, some countries are battling over lands because they understand treaties differently. This kind of historical problems will never end until either of the country would give up, which is not likely to happen so often.

→ There are various causes to these problems. Some can be resolved through negtiations, but many are too severe to be resolved even by years of effort. For example, some countries fight over lands due to misunderstanding of treaties. In such cases, the issues cannot be resolved until one of the countries gives in, which does not happen that often.

solve → 数学のような問題を解くこと
serious → 真剣、真面目。「深刻」の意味も含まれるけれど「真剣」のニュアンスのほうが強い。
battle → 実際の戦争中の戦いのように物理的な戦いのニュアンスのほうが強い。全体像の話をするのであれば fight のほうがわかりやすい。

"they understand treaties differently" の意味がわかりませんでした。「彼らは条約を違うように解釈しているから」?? わざとと言うニュアンスを含ませたいのか文化の違いなどの為に生じてしまう誤解のことを言いたいのかが伝わらないです。

give up → やめる、諦める
give in → 屈する

Religion would also make the matters complicated. Wars and terrorisms come from religious conflicts hardly ever seem to disappear. People won't easily abandon tenets which they strongly believed in.

→ Religion also complicates matters. War and terrorist conflicts stemming from religious reasons hardly ever seem to go away. People do not easily let go of strong religious beliefs.


won't → 「しないだろう」
 won't を使わずに過去や今の話をしているので現在形で断定します。

abandon → 見捨てる、捨て去る、中止する

Sometimes organizations like UN would bring peace to battleships, but those groups don't seem to be quite reliable now. Especially because every country pursue their own benefits and not really cooperative enough to buckle down to the problems.

→ Organizations like the UN would sometimes bring ??? but such groups no longer seem to be so reliable, especially since every country seems to be pursuing their own agenda and not really cooperative enough to buckling down to resolve these issues.

bring peace to battleships → 戦艦に平和をもたらす

Although I disagree that we can achieve the goal of permanent peace, we should make one by one effort to decrease them. There's no doubt that people's apathy would make the things go worse.

→ Although I do not believe that we will be able to achieve world peace, we should make every effort possible towards the goal. There is no doubt that things will only get worse if no one lifts a finger to make things better.

we should make one by one effort to decrease them → decrease peace のような文章になっちゃってますよ。

people's apathy → 人々の無気力な状態
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追加の質問で申し訳ないのですが、which の使い方、おっしゃる通り自信ないのですが、この場合どのような問題がありますか?

お礼日時:2017/06/01 16:34


terrorism は不可算名詞です。
so many は口語で使われることが多いです。
living in here in→living here in

テロリズムや戦争など深刻な暴力的問題を抱えている国が、本当にたくさんあります。 世界でも最も平和な国に住んでいる私が、いくつ問題があるかを想定することはできませんが、私たちが解決できるよりたくさんの問題があることは確かだと思います。

のような感じですかね。 定型句や言い回しを使いたいのはわかりますが、なんか意味がないスペース潰しに聞こえます。 視点も変わりますし、主語も後につながっていません。
私は、世界で最も安全な国の一つで暮らしています。 私の国では、テロリズムや戦争などが起きているというニュースを聞くことはほとんどありません。 しかし、世界に目を向けるとテロリズムや戦争などの深刻な暴力的な問題が日々発生しています。 私たちは、これらの暴力的行為により、数多くの人が自分の命、家族など大切なものを失っている状態に目を背けるべきではありません。 

などとしたほうが、この後話がどう進んでいくのかわかりやすいと思いませんか? 英語の問題以前の話なのかもしれませんが、英文(特に初心者レベル)の場合は、最初のパラグラフで結論を述べることは重要なこととされています。
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Terrorism 不可算名詞と知りませんでした

お礼日時:2017/05/31 16:06
