

A:Convenience store. We’ve got everything else (just want~).It’s very convenient. A magazine which contains nude photos()in a convenience store here in Japan. We bought some ice creams ,then water,the some facial wash because we forgot.I think it has to be sent in a particular store (where in?)this store only houses(~).
We have this on a particular magazine shop where you’ll be able to see all kind of magazine there.If (they are a bit hesitated or odd?)”How old are you?”

B:No. I(~)I'm a flight attendant,so come here very often.
They asked us to pay in advance our stay,usually you have to pay after when you leave. Everywhere,almost everywhere in the world I’ve been. You have to pay after if there’s any problem,you have to (communicate with a reception you get to.)
のように聞こえるのですが、聞き取りにくい箇所が多く、またB:の会話中のhave toの用法は全て「すべき」の意味でしょうか?


  • うれしい


    No.1の回答に寄せられた補足コメントです。 補足日時:2018/01/22 22:57

A 回答 (4件)

Magazines which contain nude photos in a convenience store here i

n Japan. We bought some ice creams , then water, then some facial wash because we forgot.I think it has to be sent in a particular store where in this store only hold these the.....magazine.(なんか言おうとしている)
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Magazines which contain nude photos in a convenience store here in Japan. We bought some ice creams , then water, then some facial wash because we forgot.I think it has to be sent in a particular store where in this store only holds these the.....magazine.(なんか言おうとしている)

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お礼日時:2018/01/25 15:57

Magazines which contain nude photos in a convenience store here i

n Japan. We bought some ice creams , then water, then some facial wash because we forgot.I think it has to be sent in a particular store where in this store only holds the.....magazine.(なんか言おうとしている)
    • good
    • 0

A:Convenience store. We’ve got everything else in just one kit store. It’s very convenient. Yukimi-daifuku.

Magazines which contain nude photos in a convenience store here in Japan. We bought some ice creams , then water, then some facial wash because we forgot.I think it has to be sent in a particular store where in this store only houses the.....magazine.(なんか言おうとしている)
We have this on a particular magazine shop where in all kind of , you'll, you will be able to see all kind of magazines there. If there are a bit, ah, hesitated old, ask you, ”How old are you?”

B:No. As I told you I'm a flight attendant, so come here very often.
They asked us to pay in advance our stay,usually you have to pay after when you leave. Everywhere,almost everywhere in the world I’ve been, you have to pay after.
If there’s any problem, you have to communicate to the receptionists ..and then you get to....
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