
1Here is the working schedule for you to work on shifts.When you need to take extra off out of the schedule,please make sure by yourself to find some one else who will/can substitute for you.If you have difficulty looking for any alternative person,please be sure to call us in advance to let us arrange for someone to take your place.

2Here is the working schedule for you to work on shifts.When you need to take extra off out of the schedule,please make sure by yourself to seek a substitute for you.
If you have trouble finding any cover, please be sure to call us in advance to let us arrange some alternatives/relpacements.

.1及び2の表現は使用可能でしょうか?訂正などがありましたら教えて頂ければ幸いです。 また、1及び2のhave troble以降ののany alternative person及びany coverの部分は複数形にしなくてよいでしょうか?複数形にすべきならpersonの複数形は通例peopleとなると思うのではstaffやclearsにした方がよいとも考えます。解説よろしくお願いします。

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