
焼きそばと言えば、お好み焼きと並んで 縁日の屋台の鉄板で作られる定番メニューですね。
あの ソースの香ばしい匂いが食欲をそそります。

しかし、焼きそばとは言っても、そばを炒めたものではなく、麺自体はむしろ ラーメンに近いですよね。

さて、話は変わりますが、英語が好きな人でも 文法はあんまり好きでない という人も少なくないですよね。でも、私は文法を覚えることが楽しかったです。ところが、そんな私も 仮定法に入った頃から だんだん つまらなくなってきました。特に ifも使わないのに なんで 仮定法現在と呼ぶのか首を傾げていました。

There is a vague and ambiguous Japanese term of English grammar called ”kateiho” (literally translated as hypothetical mood). Although "subjunctive mood" is considered to be the lexical equivalent for it, there is a considerable semantic difference between them. For the subjunctive mood corresponds to only part of the kateiho, while the kateiho refers to not only both the subjunctive and conditional mood without distinction (which is already quite bewildering) but also very often (or rather more frequently) the very constructions of unreal hypothesis themselves. So the confusion is more and more multiplied.....

そこで質問です。焼きそばの原料には buckwheatが使われないないように、仮定法現在は hypothesisとは関連性が見当たりません。そこで、"仮定法"をいっそのこと「叙想法」とでも改名するのはどうでしょうか?

A 回答 (2件)

Thanks for your comments. Maybe my first answer sounded a bit too harsh but I shit you not.

Wait for some grammar nerd to respond to your question. Good luck!
    • good
    • 1

Thank you for your answer.

It seems that I was underestimating you.
I was sure that I have found an eye-catching title of question with an absurd combination of words. But since you didn't get my joke, it might be unsuccessful....

お礼日時:2018/04/29 16:01



    • good
    • 2

Thank you for your answer.

But unfortunately I'm afraid to say that you seem less competent in English than me for your arrogant statement. And besides it cannot be denied that your reply is a bit more irrelevant than my question. I earnestly advise you to improve your English before answering my question.

お礼日時:2018/04/29 12:02
