
I don’t like dogs. I am kind to animals I meet and can appreciate a cute face or a good personality, but, in truth, my preferred level of interaction with dogs is pictures of dogs, which are inert and at which I may glance momentarily before passing by. My best friend of many years has a dog to which she is very attached. Although I do not understand this relationship, I am glad it brings her joy. The problem is she seems to have the expectation that I also love her dog.

After several years in strict pet-free living circumstances, I am preparing to move to a building that is pet-friendly. My friend is already making plans to bring her dog on visits. I have nothing against the dog—it brings my friend happiness and behaves fine—but I have enjoyed living pet-free, with all the cleanliness that confers.

ここでのinertの訳し方と、all the cleanliness that confersの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

A 回答 (1件)

inert は「動かない」

all the cleanliness that confers は「それ(ペットがいないこと)がもたらす清潔さ」


    • good
    • 0


お礼日時:2018/05/03 21:35
