

....The little girl walked up to her, and said : "Give me to eat, Dame Kélément."
Two flashes of fire leaped from the witch's eyes : she gave such a start that she nearly broke her head against the iron-stones that she balanced her pots on. —"Child! you have got the better of me!" she screamed. “Take everything!-take it, take it ! — eat, eat, eat ! — all in the house is yours !"

Then she sprang through the door quick as a powder-flash: she seemed to fly through the fields and woods.. . . And she ran straight to the river ; — for it was deep under the bed of the river that the Devil had buried the name which he had given her. She stood on the bank, and chanted : —

—"Loche, O loche !— was it you who told that my name was Dame Kélément?"

A 回答 (1件)


…少女は魔女に向かって歩き、そして言った: 「私に食べ物を下さい、Dame Kélément」。魔女の目から二筋の炎が飛び出した。その途端少女は非常に驚いたので、ポットのバランスを取ろうとしていた鉄の石にほぼ頭が当たって割れたかのようだった。「おぉ、子よ!お前は私を負かしたんだよ!」と魔女は叫んだ。「全て持っていけ!、持っていけ!持っていけ!、食べろ、食べろ、食べろ!家の中の物は全てお前の物だ!」


「ナマズよ、おぉ、ナマズよ! 私の名前をDame Kélémentだと言ったのはあなただったのですか?」
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