

And the tétart, that is gray like the gray rocks of iron to which it holds fast, made answer, saying — "No, mamma! -no, mamma! -it was not I who told them that your name was Dame Kélément. —Dormeur, O dormeur! - was it you who told that my name was Dame Kélément?"

And the dormeur, the lazy dormeur, that sleeps in the shadow of the rocks, awoke and rose and made answer: — "No, mamma !-no, mamma! -it was not I who told them that your name was Dame Kélément. ”
—“Matavale, O matavalé ! -was it you that said my name was Dame Kélément ?"

And the matavalé, the shining matavalé, that flashes like copper when the sun touches his scales, opened his mouth and answered : — “No, mamma!-no, mamma!-I never said that your name was Dame Kélément ! ”
—“Milet! —bouc! —pisquette!—sangui!— zhabi-tant?— was it any one among you who told that my name was Dame Kélément ?"

A 回答 (1件)



そして、Tétartは、それは鉄の岩の灰色をしっかり保ったような灰色であったが、「いいや、ママ!違うよ、ママ!お前の名前をDame Kélémentだとやつらに言ったのは私ではないよ」と答えた。「Dormeur、おぉ、 dormeur!私の名前をDame Kélémentと言ったのはあなたなのですか?」


そして、Matavalé、光り輝くMatavaléが、それは太陽が鱗に触れると銅のように光り輝くのだが、口を開いて答えた。「いいや、ママ!、違うよ、ママ!私はお前の名前がDame Kélémentがだとは決して言ってないよ!」
「Milet!、Bouc! 、Pisquette!、Sangui!、Zhabitant! 私の名前をDame Kélémentだと言ったのはあなた方の中の誰かなのですか?」
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