
We have new neighbors that moved in a couple of months ago. They are nice people and have a toddler that my son loves to play with, but they also have a dog that is insanely aggressive toward kids. We have a dozen or so kids on the block and he’s lunged at about half of them. (He even hit my own son with his snout while his back was turned, leaving a bruise, not a bite.) Luckily, he’s been on a leash every time which has prevented a serious attack. Recently, the dog has been digging his way out of the backyard. The owners have fixed the holes when they happen, but now all the neighbors are even more scared of what could happen.

The owners don’t seem to be overly concerned about fixing his behavior or doing more to keep him contained. We are all concerned that it will take a kid getting seriously hurt for something to change.

it will take a kid getting seriously hurt for something to changeの訳と、文の構造の説明をよろしくお願いします

A 回答 (2件)

it(S) will take (V) a kid (O) getting seriously hurt(C) for something to change.


: because of (something)
He shouted for joy.
He wept for sorrow.
He was decorated for bravery.
— used to indicate the person or thing toward which feelings, thoughts, etc., are directed
He was hungry for praise.
They are longing for home.
I can't help feeling sorry for him.
She has a taste for spicy food. [=she enjoys spicy food]
    • good
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お礼日時:2018/08/21 01:21

it takes ~ for A to ・・・ の形で「Aが・・・するには~が必要だ」で it は for から最後までを受ける仮主語です。

    • good
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お礼日時:2018/08/21 01:21
