
少し長いんですが、全部ではなくて最後の一文だけ、Who's got ....... things? の意味を教えて下さい。

Wilson also said he will continue to challenge the court order. This comes after 19 states and Washington, DC, sought a court injunction to stop the release of the gun blueprints, citing the "security risk" and the fact that "felons or terrorists" could get a hold of one.

US District Judge Robert Lasnik granted the injunction Monday. Defense Distributed and the State Department had previously reached a settlement that allowed the company to release the blueprints.

So two questions...

1) Does it sound like Cody Wilson is in favor of people obtaining firearms without registering for them?

2) Who's got the over/under on how many days before someone unwarrantedly dies from one of these things?

A 回答 (1件)

over/under は賭けの一種で、胴元があるスポーツ試合の合計得点を前もって予想し、その予想合計得点より実際の試合の合計得点が上(over) か下(under)に賭ける賭けです。

ご質問文中の one of these things が何のことか分からないのでネットで調べたら、最近話題の3Dプリンティングで作る拳銃のことのようです。

『こんなもの(3Dプリンティングで作った拳銃)で不本意にも誰かが死ぬことになるまでに何日かかるかについて誰が over/under の賭けをするのか?』
    • good
    • 0
