
Choose the correct answer.
(1) My brother expects (to go/ going) to graduate school next year
(2) You should consider ( to get/ getting) a flu shot this winter.
(3) I'm planning ( to celebrate / celebrating) my parents' 20th wedding anniversary
(4) My uncle hopes (to work/ working) after his retirement.
(5) He always postpones (to go / going) on a diet.
(6) Because of her back injury, Sandra had to give up (to play /playing ) in thefinals.
3 tk)
B Express the following in Japanese
(1) I regret to tell you that tickets have been sold out.
(2) Mike regrets spending a lot of time playing video games during the holidays.
(3) Please remember to lock the door when you leave for work.
(4) I remember locking the door when I left for work this morning. ' (同志社女子大)
C Express the following in English and complete the sentences.
Don't about the matter
Emma's daily task
You had better
After the presentation, they
Hint] device

D Express the following in English.
(1)私は試しに彼を説得してみたが、彼は考えを変えなかった (Hint] を説得する」persuade
(2)私は屋根の上にソーラーパネルを設置することを提案します. Hints set up, suggest
Hint duty

A 回答 (1件)

A と B は、別のご質問で回答いたしましたので、そちらをご参照ください。

(1) forget that I have agreed.
(2) is to water the garden after breakfast.
(3) not to sit up late at night for your health.
(4) decided not to apply the newest device.
(1) I tried to persuade him, but he would not change his mind.
(2) I suggest that you should install some solar panels on the roof.
(3) Don't forget to buy some sandwiches at the bakery.
(4) My duty is to report to the police about accidents.
    • good
    • 1
