
このジョークの最後のオチ、"Karate! My Foot!"というのはどういうことですか? これのどこがおもしろいのですか? なにか Karate my foot! というのは別の意味があるのでしょうか?

Sam and George owned a store in the outskirts of San Francisco.
It had been burglarised several times in the past year and Sam decided to buy a guard dog.

Shopping for one, Sam found himself in Chinatown, at a pet store whose sign boasted, The Best Guard Dogs That Money Will Buy. He entered the store, but much to his disappointment, all the dogs he could see were Pekingese.

"Excuse me", Sam said to the manager, "But the sign outside says you sell guard dogs. Where are they?"

The manager, an elderly Chinese, replied, "Oh, but these are highly trained guard dogs. They all know karate."

"Karate! No way."

"I'll show you", said the shop owner. He took one of the Pekingese out to the backyard and put it in front of a brick. The dog stood absolutely still. The shopkeeper gave a command, "Karate! Brick!"

And with complete astonishment, Sam saw the little dog perform a perfect karate chop, splitting the brick in half. Totally amazed, he bought the dog. Back at his own store, he showed the guard dog Pekingese to George, who thought he was completely mad and told him to return the Pekingese immediately.

"But, he is a trained guard dog."

"Yeah, sure!"

Sam put the Pekingese on the floor and said, "He knows karate!!"

With a sneer George retorted, "Karate! My Foot!"

A 回答 (2件)

ここでは My Foot = My ass 両方とも「まさか、うそだろ」の意味で使われる間投詞のようなものです。


ですから、ジョークの落ちとしては、空手をするという北京犬を見てGeorge が「空手!まさか」と言ったら、「空手!俺の足」と文字通り解釈した北京犬はさてどうするか!?
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最初の見たバージョンは、Karate my foot!と書いてあったので、karate を動詞と思って、karate my foot でなにか意味があるのかと思っていました。貼り付けたのは、ネットにあったものですが、こっちには、Karate!とありますね。

お礼日時:2018/10/10 09:59


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