
①cook some rice
②spread plastic wrap on the table
③sprinkle a little salt on it
④spread some rice on the wrap
⑤make a hole in the middle of the rice
⑥put in a filling that you like
⑦cover the filling with small rice
→ 具材の上にちょっとだけご飯を盛ります
⑧wrap it with the wrap
⑨shape it into a triangle
⑩wrap it with a sheet of seaweed

③からのラップはplastic wrapじゃなくてwrapでもいいでしょうか?
⑥のa fillingはfillingsの方がいいでしょうか?

A 回答 (1件)

①cook some rice

Steam rice

②spread plastic wrap on the table
 plastic food wrapの方がよいと思います。

③sprinkle a little salt on it

④spread some rice on the wrap
 Put rice on it. Rice volume is roughly 100g.

⑤make a hole in the middle of the rice
roughly in the centre

⑥put in a filling that you like
put in a filling(s) that you like


⑦cover the filling with small rice
→ 具材の上にちょっとだけご飯を盛ります
with small amount of rice, with thin layer of rice

⑧wrap it with the wrap
 Wrap it.
  with the wrapというとすでにWrapがあるのに更にWrapと言っているので混乱をきたします。

⑨shape it into a triangle
Make it into a triangle shape

⑩wrap it with a sheet of seaweed
    • good
    • 0

