


A 回答 (5件)

文章的には 銀輪さんの文で問題ありませんが、肝心な点を見落としています。

これでは 温度の単位が摂氏なのか華氏なのか分かりません。ちなみに アメリカでは 華氏が主流です。
これを踏まえて、銀輪さんの文を基に 華氏で変換して 表現してみます。

The summer highest temperature is around 68 degrees Fahrenheit , but it becomes 50 degrees Fahrenheit at night and becomes slightly cold.
It is -4 from -22 degrees Fahrenheit in winter.

ちなみに 摂氏の場合は 数字は原文通りで Fahrenheitを Celsius または Centigradeに置き換えてください。
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The highest temparature in summer is about 20 degree. But at night it is about 10, and you may feel rather cold.

In winter it is minus 20 or 30. So if you come here, you should wear warm clothes.
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The summer highest temperature is around 20 degrees, but it becomes 10 degrees at night and becomes slightly cold.

It is -30 degrees from -20 in winter. So please be careful about clothes if you go to this place.

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The summer highest temperature is around 20 degrees, but it becomes 10 degrees at night and becomes slightly cold.

It is -30 degrees from -20 in winter. So please be careful about clothes if you go to this place.

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The maximum temperature in the summer is about 20 degrees, but in the night it becomes 10 degrees and it gets a little cold.

Winter is minus 20 to 30 degrees. So, if you go to this place please be careful about dressing
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