

1 次の日本語に合う英文を作りなさい。ただし()の単語を使ってください。
(1) あなたはこのスポーツカーに乗りたいですか。(ride inもしくはdrive)
(3)私がタイヤ交換をしなくてはなりませんか。(flat tire)
(4)遺伝子組み換えをどう思いますか。(genetic recombination)

2 次の文の誤りを訂正し、正しい文を書きなさい。
(1)That is not far from here to the post office.
(2) I have lost your CDs. I must buy it for you.

A 回答 (1件)

1. Do you want to drive this sports car?

2. Will he become an engineer in the future?
3. Do I have to change the flat tire?
4. What do you think about genetic recombination?
5. Who will go to Mars first?

1. The post office is not far from here.
2. I have lost your CDs. I must buy new ones for you.
    • good
    • 1


お礼日時:2019/07/26 06:42
