
I don’t want to wast all of i spent for my diet
I know what i did more than anyone else
I am so sad coz now i just wasted my all of i spent for my diet
I can’t stop eating
I can’t!!!!!
Someone help me

A 回答 (2件)

I understood, sorry. Then, I recomed to do something you like to

do until eating. When you're consentrsting, you can forget about it. If you Don't have any, you can find em. I choosed to write a novel as my Hobbie. While I'm ding it, I forget something that I want to do, such as games. It can be anything. Building a plastic kit might be good to. It is because you have a theam. If you get use to this, you might change. I hope this helps you.
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Then, stop buying food. You can limit the amount of food you buy,

and if you eat them all on day you can't eat anymore because there isn't anymore. Or else, you can eat a lot on breackfirst and eat less for dinner.
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Well, your advice is right. But what it has in my house, i going to eat all of the foods. That’s my exactly problem.

お礼日時:2020/06/18 22:29
