

You may be heard of Singularity if you are interested in new technology.
Singularity refers to a point in time when technologies such as Artificial Intelligence create intelligence that is smarter than humans.
So far, the role for computer and machine are said to help people as a tool, but we should be a partner from now on, I think.
In my opinion that partner is a object that has to be treated in respectful way like pet.
If you harm pets, it is against the law.
For above reasons, when machine get own intelligence, we have to take care of them more.
The more we develop machines, the harder we think up the right for overworking and abuse of them.

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You may _have_ heard of _the term_ singularity if you are interested in _the_ new technology.
Singularity refers to a point in time when technologies such as artificial intelligence create intelligence that is smarter than humans.
So far, the role _of_ _computers and machines_ _has been_ said to _assist_ people as a tool, but _technologies and humans_ should be _partners_ from now on, I think.
In my opinion, partners must be treated in _a_ respectful way _as if they are, for example, our pets_.
If you _maltreat your_ pets, it is against the law.
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