

I’ve taken various methods to prevent COVID-19 infection.
The first one is that washing my hands frequently, particularly after coming back home and before eating something. The virus can easily infect you by touching things in public where is unwashed.
The second one is avoiding being crowded places as much as possible. If we are too close, we might breathe in the droplets which may contain viruses when someone coughs or sneeze. So staying home might be the only way to avoid it.
In conclusion, we should just understand what COVID-19 is and how to prevent the spread of the new virus.

A 回答 (2件)

> I’ve taken various methods to prevent COVID-19 infection.

I’ve _been taking several measures_ to prevent COVID-19 infection.

> The first one is that washing my hands frequently, particularly after coming back home and before eating something.

_For example,_ I wash my hands frequently, particularly _immediately_ after coming back home and _before eating_.

> The virus can easily infect you by touching things in public where is unwashed.

If you touch anything unhygienic in public places, you may easily be infected with COVID-19 viruses.

> The second one is avoiding being crowded places as much as possible.

Also, I _avoid_ crowded places as much as possible.

> If we are too close, we might breathe in droplets which may contain viruses when someone coughs or sneeze.

__In crowded places_, we might breathe in _respiratory droplets_ which may contain COVID-19 viruses if someone, say, coughs or _sneezes_.

> So staying home might be the only way to avoid it.

_In other words_, staying home might be the only way to avoid _COVID-19 infection_.

> In conclusion, we should just understand what COVID-19 is and how to prevent the spread of the new virus.

In conclusion, we must _know_ what COVID-19 is and how to prevent _its spread_.

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お礼日時:2020/08/17 07:39

No. 1の訂正

before eating --->>> before eating food
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