

Advertisers are also rethinking - while their total ad budgets for radio may not have changed, the way in which they are spent has.

という文の最後の”the way in which they are spent has”となるのか上手く理解できません。
the way=関係副詞のhowなのでhow+SV構文と同じthe way+SV構文になるのは分かるのですが、
この場合のSはin whichがSでVがhasということですか?
このin whichとtheyはどちらもbudgetsのこと?


A 回答 (2件)

the wayがSでhasの後に来るべきだけど省略されているchangedがVでしょう。

in whichの whichは the way: 使われ方の「方」ですね。
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>>Advertisers are also rethinking - while their total ad budgets for radio may not have changed, the way in which they are spent has.


the way in which they are spent has

(1) ここでは、the way in which they are spent が主語で、has が述語動詞です。

(2) the way in which they are spent
= the way in which the budgets are spent
= その予算金額の出費方法(出費のあり方)

(2) has = has changed
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