

テーマ:Many medical students become frustrated that the basic memory skills that allowed them to pass the entrance exam have not prepare them for the increased pace of university study. Indeed, doctors need to be highly motivated, self-directed learners to keep up with the ever-increasing changes in medical knowledge. Describe how you could be a good medical student and what your priorities will be. Detail three of your good points and three bad points clearly.


  It is often said that many medical students become frustrated because they have to memorize various kinds of things about human body to keep up with university study.

In case with me, one of my bad points is that when cannot understand the things, I am unable to go next step until I understand them. In addition to this bad point, I also think almost all things so deep. For example, I always worry about that whether my opinions or actions hurt my friends or not. Moreover, my third bad point is that I often care about people around me too much. My sister usually told me not to take care of her so often.

However, I think these bad points are also my good points. When I cannot understand something, I ask my friends or teachers how to solve the problem. This action makes our relationships better. Next, my worrying about everything and tending to take care of people around me mean I have abilities to imagine other people’s feelings and to try to help people who are in trouble. This will motivate me to become a good doctor.

Although I have bad points, everyone also has them. The important thing is not that you do not have bad points, but that you have the ability to change your bad points to good points. This is needed to become a good medical student.(238words)


A 回答 (1件)

テーマ:Many medical students become frustrated that the basic memory skills that allowed them to pass the entrance exam have not prepare them for the increased pace of university study.


Indeed, doctors need to be highly motivated,
self-directed learners
to keep up with the ever-increasing changes in medical knowledge.

Describe how you could be a good medical student and
what your priorities will be.


Detail three of your good points and three bad points clearly.


It is often said that many medical students become frustrated because they have to (memorize various kinds of things about human body to) keep up with [their] university study [which is totally different from their highschool lessons].

In [my] case (with me), one of my bad points is that when [I] cannot understand (the) things, I [become](am) unable to go [to the] next step until I understand them [well]. In addition to this[,](bad point), I also [tend to] think almost all [the] things so deep[ly]. For example, I always (worry about that<「だから結局何もできない」まで言わなかったのは幸い.自分の悩みは他人にとっては大したことがないものです.worryが悪いわけではないですが,wonderを思いつけば,不安症ではなく用心深さくらいに転換できそうです.>)[wonder] whether my opinion(s) or [my] action(s) [will] hurt my friends or not. Moreover, my third bad point is that I often care about people around me too much. My sister usually told me not to take care of her so often. [She is not a little child now.]

However, I think these bad points are also my good points. When I cannot understand something [well], I ask my friends or teachers [what they think about it](how to solve the problem).<解決法をたずねるという姿勢はテーマ文中のhighly-motivated, self-directed leanerに反します> This action [not only] makes our relationships better[, but also lets me see it from different viewpoints]. Next, my worrying about (every)thing[s] and tending to take care of [others](people around me) mean[s that] I have abilities to imagine other( people)’s feelings and to try to help people who are in trouble.<上手い!読み手は分かっていることをきちんと書いてくれるとすごく嬉しい.「共感」は武器になります.「甘え」にならぬよう注意.> This will motivate me to become a (good)[better<常に相対的なものです>] doctor.

(Although) I have bad points, [but so does] everyone (also has them<代名詞は自分と同じ短所を指すかも知れません>). The important thing is not that you do not have [any] bad points, but that you have the ability to [make](change) your bad points to good points.<changeには言い訳のようで,努力が感じられません.abilityではないですね.> (This is needed to become a good medical student.ご反省の通り,もうこれくらい書けばいいだろうというガマン切れが見えてしまいました.人の命を扱う仕事に就くのですから,これはまずい.最後まで納得のいく文章を書き上げなさい.だから150語以上とされているのではないでしょうか.面倒くさがる受験生はすぐボロが出ますね.)[In order to become a good medical student, we have to be calm and see things more scientificly so that we can always find a better answer.]

    • good
    • 0


お礼日時:2012/02/18 16:35
