

Sorry to tell you this at the last minute though I will be too busy to take your lesson tomorrow.
Right now, I can not tell you when I can take your lesson next time though I will let you know as soon as I can find a slot in my schedule.

When is the study meeting good for you?
When is the next study meeting convenient[又はgood] for you?

What day (of the week) is convenient for you for the next study meeting?


A 回答 (3件)


>Sorry to tell you this at the last minute though I will be too busy to take your lesson tomorrow.

この場合に though を使う必要はありませんね。もし、this を生かせば、Sorry ...., but ... の形にすると良いでしょう。

→I am sorry to tell you this at the last minute, but I will be too busy to take your lesson tomorrow.


→I am sorry to tell you at the last minute that I will be too busy to take your lesson tomorrow.

>Right now, I can not tell you when I can take your lesson next time though I will let you know as soon as I can find a slot in my schedule.

ちょっと長いようですね。整理すると良いでしょう。though が好きなのかな?でも、必要かどうか考えてね。

→I cannot tell you right now when I can take your next lesson, but I will tell you as soon as possible.

→I will tell you as soon as possible when I can take your lesson next time.

let me know はいいですが、 let you know は親しければ使って下さい。

>When is the study meeting good for you?
>When is the next study meeting convenient[又はgood] for you?

When is the study meeting good for you?


>What day (of the week) is convenient for you for the next study meeting?

これでいいと思いますが、for が二度続きますから、for you を to you にした方が良いでしょう。



I'm sorry for such short notice, but I am very busy tomorrow and will be unable to take your lesson.
I am going to check my schedule when I can take your lesson next tme, and then I will let you know the day.

補足日時:2004/03/26 11:32
    • good
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>I'm sorry for such short notice, but I am very busy tomorrow and will be unable to take your lesson.

such より this を使った方がいいでしょう。such ですと、前述のようにそんなにという感じで使うことが多いですから。また、this にはこんなにという意味もありますから、一石二鳥ですよ。I am very busy tomorrow と現在形で予定をはっきりと示していますから、授業が受けられないのもはっきりと現在形で示したほうがいいですね。

→I am sorry for this short notice, but I am so busy tomorrow (that) I cannot take your lesson.

となりますが、実はこの表現は避けた方がいいと思います。short notice は「突然の通告」みたいな感じです。ご質問の場合は多分、個人的なお知らせですし、しかも先生に対してですからね。外国語は自分のよく知っている自信のある表現を使うのが一番ですよ。難しい表現は避けた方が無難です。

>I am going to check my schedule when I can take your lesson next tme, and then I will let you know the day.

→I will check my schedule and see when I can take your lesson next time. After that I will get back to you.

→Let me chceck my schedule to see when I can take your lesson next time and get back to you.

→After checking my schedule to see when I can take your next lesson, I will get back to you.

→After finding out when I can take your next lesson, I will tell you about it.

などと表現するといいでしょう。Let me check my schedule and see if .. は、よく使われる表現です。get back to you もよく使われます。「後ほど連絡する」という意味ですね。

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お礼日時:2004/03/27 11:30


英語の先生?への手紙でしょうか?そのままでも理解していただけると思いますが、”too busy” は ”very busy”とか"pretty busy," "quite busy" の方がいい気がします。”I will let you know as soon as I find a slot in my schedule.”(canは使わない) 

"I am sorry to tell you this at the last minute though I will be very busy and therefore I will not be able to meet you tomorrow. I am not sure when I will have time to take your lesson next time though I will let you know as soon as possible."

" When is the best time for you to have study meeting??" とか、" What day is the best for you to have the next meeting??"
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お礼日時:2004/03/26 11:32

