

She is proud that her son has gained the award.

It is necessary that he should go to college.

This milk is so hot that the baby cannot drink it.

She is ashamed that her son has done such a thing.

Do you mind if I shut the window?

It happened that the professor was at work in Europe.

There was no hope that he would return safe from his adventure.


  • うーん・・・


      補足日時:2016/05/19 00:06

A 回答 (2件)

She is proud that her son has gained the award.

=>She is proud of her son ahving gained the award.

It is necessary that he should go to college.
=>It is necessay for him to go to college.

This milk is so hot that the baby cannot drink it.
=>This milk is too hot for the baby to drink.

She is ashamed that her son has done such a thing.
=>She is ashamed of her son('s) having done a thing.

Do you mind if I shut the window?
=>Do you mind my shutting the window?

It happened that the professor was at work in Europe.
=>The professor happened to be at work in Europe.

There was no hope that he would return safe from his adventure
=>There was no hope of his ruturing safe from his adventure.
    • good
    • 0


お礼日時:2016/05/19 00:33

①She is proud that her son has gained the award.

➡She takes pride in her son's award.

②It is necessary that he should go to college.
➡He should go to college.

③This milk is so hot that the baby cannot drink it.
➡This milk is too hot for baby.

④She is ashamed that her son has done such a thing.
➡She is ashamed of son's act.

⑤Do you mind if I shut the window?
➡May I close a window?

⑥It happened that the professor was at work in Europe.
➡The professor was working by chance in Europe.

⓻There was no hope that he would return safe from his adventure.
➡I can't hope his safe return from adventure.
    • good
    • 0


お礼日時:2016/05/19 00:23
