
Some of my friends say they enjoy eating Mochi all through the year: and others do not.

Does it depend upon the area they live? Or family trdition?

Thank you.

A 回答 (3件)

There are people who eat Mochi all year round regardless of the area.

Mochi is not just food in New Year.
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Oh, I did not know.Thanks a lot.

お礼日時:2016/12/31 10:12

I think that the habit of eating Mochi(餅)is depend on one's prefe

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Thank you so much for your answer.

お礼日時:2016/12/31 10:14

I often eat in the New Year.

Even Japanese people are eating fewer recently!
Sorry if the question and answer are different.
Would you please post it in Japanese using a translation site if possible?
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I understand. Thanks.

お礼日時:2016/12/31 10:15
