
A;How was your work today?
B:It was terrible.I made a huge mistake at work.,but I'll make up for this tomorrow.But, even though I work harder everyday, my boss and cowwokers don't evaluate my performance on the job at all.
A Oh' that's disappointing. I under stand what you're going through, but keep in mind it is necessary at the work places not only you are good at your job but you can get along with them.
1the work placesは一般の職場を表しているのでしょうか?
2 it is necessary at the work places の部分でnot only ,but構文はitの真主語として働くのでしょうか(つまり it is necessary at the work places [that]~)。よろしくお願い致します。


  • どう思う?


      補足日時:2017/03/21 10:58

A 回答 (1件)

複数 places なので一般的な話なんでしょうね。

おっしゃるように not only 以降全体が that 節でしょう。
    • good
    • 0


お礼日時:2017/03/21 14:37
