

(1) 1. Some horrid little boys were there
2. They walked home in a horrified storm.
3. They were killed in a horrible accident.
4. We watched a horrifying movie about the concentration camps.

(2) 1. Did you find the journey pleasant?
2. He succeeded to find a taxi.
3. The court found him guilty.
4. They failed to find their train.

(3) 1. I'm sorry. I just ran out of time
2. You must stay here by the time I come back.
3. The train arrived on time.
4. They were just in time.

(4) 1. He couldn't get used to being old.
2. I used to dreaming about that
3. I used to be that way.
4. You'll just have to get used to it.

(5) 1. Don't let him break your heart.
2. Give me a break, please!
3. A war between two countries may break out.
4. The new car had already broken​up

A 回答 (2件)

(1) interesting/interested, exciting/excited との関係と同じ。

「興奮しています」で、I'm exciting. はよく日本人がやる間違い。
逆に、2 storm は horrified ではない。

(2) 4は単に文字通り、見つけられなかったというだけのこと。
2 は succeeded in finding ... であるべき。

(3) アメリカ英語では just +過去形で現在完了の代わりになりますが、
1 が誤りには違いないでしょう。
I'm running out of time. がいいように思いますが。

(4) be/get used to の to は前置詞、used to の後は原形。
2 は used to dream

(5) broken up は転記ミスだとして、
3 は普通なら between the two countries かな。
    • good
    • 1

⑴ 2 horrified をhorrifyingかhorribleに

⑵ 4 find their trainとは言わず、
catch their train に。
⑶ 1 I just ran out of time ではなく、I have just run out of time.
⑷ 2 I used to dream about itとする。
⑸ 4 The new car has already broken up とする。
    • good
    • 0
