
Hello. Masturbation is a medically healthy and psychologically normal habit. It is considered abnormal only when it inhibits partner-oriented behavior, is done in public, or is sufficiently compulsive to cause distress. It may cause distress if it is done compulsively or interferes with daily life and activities. Masturbation is a good way of relieving the sexual tension that can build up over time, especially for people without partners or whose partners are not willing or available for sex. Masturbation also is a safe sexual alternative for people who wish to avoid pregnancy and the dangers of sexually transmitted diseases. Masturbation does not produce premature ejaculation. Post-masturbation effects: a man whose penis has suffered a blunt trauma, severe bend or other injury during intercourse or masturbation may, rarely, sustain a penile fracture or suffer from peyronie's disease. Phimosis is" a contracted foreskin (that) may cause trouble by hurting when an attempt is made to pull the foreskin back" in these cases, any energetic manipulation of the penis can be problematic. A small percentage of men suffer from postorgasmic illness syndrome (pois), which can cause severe muscle pain throughout the body and other symptoms immediately following ejaculation, whether due to masturbation or partnered sex. The symptoms last for up to a week.

1 it inhibits partner-oriented behaviorはitがmasturbationを指すと考えるのですが partner-oriented behaviorとはどう訳せばよいでしょうか?
2 is done in public, or is sufficiently compulsive to cause distress. It may cause distress if it is done compulsively or interferes with daily life and activities.はwhen節内のitはis done, is sufficiently compulsive の主語になると考えるのですが、後の不定詞は結果用法でしょうか?意訳をいれて説明して頂ければ幸いです。
3 Post-masturbation effects: a man whose penis has suffered a blunt trauma, severe bend or other injury during intercourse or masturbation may, rarely, sustain a penile fracture or suffer from peyronie's disease. Phimosis is" a contracted foreskin (that) may cause trouble by hurting when an attempt is made to pull the foreskin back"

may, rarely, sustain a penile fracture とは病理症状として「陰茎折症を耐えれない」と言う意味で、by hurtingで痛むことで(により)と解し、an atempt is made ~の文意が掴みにくいのですが意訳を頂ければ幸いです。
4, whether due to masturbation or partnered sex. The symptoms last for up to a week.

A 回答 (1件)

1 夫婦,男女間の(性)交渉

2 compulsive enough to~ と言い換えられますから,結果用法「強い衝動で理性が保てない場合」 以外もあり.

3 自慰行為による様々な後遺症:性交渉や自慰行為後に陰茎に鈍い痛みが残ったり,異常な折れ曲がりや外傷がある場合,まれに陰茎折症やペイロニー病を発症する場合がある.真性包茎は陰茎包皮が収縮していて,自慰行為などで陰茎包皮が強く引っ張られた場合,痛みが生じることもある.このようなケースでは陰茎を強く扱うことが問題の原因となる.

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