
Humans have an ability to express what they think by the age of five or six

A 回答 (4件)

1. 人間という場合、human beings という方が一般的だと思います。

humans というのは余り見かけません。
2. have は状態です。この場合は、身に付けるという動作ですから、get の方がいいと思います。
3. ability は初めて出てくるので an のままでいいと思います。
Human beings (come to) get an ability to express ~
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お礼日時:2017/09/17 19:40

Man begins to have the ability to express his thought at the age

of five or six.
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Most children come to be able to express what they have in mind before they are five or six years old.

Most human beings learn to express themselves before the age of five or six.
Human beings come to have the ability to express their thoughts and feelings at about five or six years old.
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the ability とすれば完璧です。

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