
Lady Gagaのインタビューを聞いていて、分からない箇所や全体的に不安なので分かる方いらっしゃいましたら教えてください。


Hello I’m Lady Gaga and you’re watching BEST HIT USA.

I started it up by myself leaning by ear and then I started to take piano lessons, classical. They were very strict with me growing up and I used to have to sit at the piano for hours to practice. When I was younger I resented my mother for this discipline but when I turned about eleven years old, I was very grateful to her because I was an expert at piano. I was probably better at piano then than I am now. I planed actually during my time off to take lessons again. But it has (?) me as a musical person. I almost went to (the?) Juilliard, piano music school in New York. But I actually decided instead to take an acting art class on the weekends. I was a full-12-hours-day of dance and acting and screenplay writing also (to things?). And I guess you could say the (?) drove me in a different direction.

It’s not an entirely new message. In the 70’s, a movie (is?) like “Paris is burning” and artist like Andy Warhol used to scream this message from the top, so the museums in New York. I believe that “Fame” is intrinsic that through your fashion and your passion for art and friendship and love. You can feel famous without money.

As much as I’m obsessed with (?) fashion. What people don’t always know about me is that a lot of the stuff that I use in this show is very handmade. It’s a(?) thing that people all of the world can do for very inexpensive. My relationship with Andy (?) continues to grow (already years?). I feel like I learn something new about him everyday. My favorite thing about Andy used to be that he wanted to make fine art (out of?) commercial art, the advertisement as something at was museum where (?). I went to Warhol’s exhibit in Paris. My record label wanted to kill me because I left for four hours. But it was amazing. I am still in my infancy and I saw myself in that painting. I felt so much like that young, indecisive artist (to was?) still trying to find my own voice. I was comforted that I have so many yeas ahead of me to continue to grow. Andy decided who he wanted to be is that is my inspiration for every person on the planet. I don’t know what (is?).

I do also (things?) there is a strong futuristic (?) element to music as well as the clothe. I think (?) because of my desire to transcend my position as an artist in (my?) from underground to commercial music. A lot of my philosophies (stem?) from my obsession with the art 70’s and the 80’s. So (for?) me it was a time of celebration, a time of a music and art and lifestyle as a synonyms. Vanity was not an agley thing, it was art, it was part of your self-understanding and it was way to to find yourself as well as feel good and love yourself. I will die in a piece of art that I have made. (?) hold my props.

I would say to anyone that is not sure how to express themselves. I would say spend a lot of time reading books and going to museums, watching old movies and researching on (the?) internet and make a folder of all of the things that you really love. I think that’s a good way (come?) to start finding out who you are. You’ll see (that?) images will start to make sense. They will be through line a philosophy.



A 回答 (2件)



Hello I’m Lady Gaga and you’re watching BEST HIT USA.

I started OUT by myself learning by ear and then I started to take piano lessons, classical. They were very strict with me growing up and I used to have to sit at the piano for hours to practice. When I was younger I resented my mother for this discipline but when I turned about eleven years old, I was very grateful to her because I was an expert at piano. I was probably better at piano then than I am now. I plan actually during my time off to take lessons again. But it has TRULY SHAPED me as a musical person. I almost went to Juilliard, piano music school in New York. But I actually decided instead to take an acting AND art class on the weekends. IT was a full 12-hour-a-day of dance and acting and screenplay writing, ALL SORTS OF THINGS. And I guess you could say the THEATRICS drove me in a different direction.

It’s not an entirely new message. In the 70’s, movies like “Paris is burning” and artists like Andy Warhol used to scream this message from the tops OF the museums in New York. I believe that “Fame” is intrinsic that through your fashion and your passion for art and friendship and love, you can feel famous without money.

As much as I’m obsessed with "GOOD TOUR" fashion, what people don’t always know about me is that a lot of the stuff that I use in THE show is very handmade. It’s THINGS that people all OVER the world can do for A very inexpensive. My relationship with Andy WARHOL'S WORK continues to grow OVER THE YEARS. I feel like I learn something new about him everyday. My favorite thing about Andy used to be that he wanted to make fine art out of commercial art, the advertisement as something THAT was museum WORTHY. I went to Warhol’s exhibit in Paris. My record label wanted to kill me because I left for four hours. But it was amazing. I am still in my infancy and I saw myself in that painting. I felt so much like that young, indecisive artist WHO was still trying to find my own voice. I was comforted that I have so many years ahead of me to continue to LEARN. Andy decided who he wanted to be. IF that is NOT inspiration for every person on the planet, I don’t know what is.

I do also THINK there is a strong futuristic element to music as well as the clothe. I think PARTLY because of my desire to transcend my position as an artist in LIFE from THE underground to commercial music. A lot of my philosophies STEM from my obsession with the LATE 70’s and the 80’s. So FOR me it was a time of celebration, a time of a music and art and lifestyle as a synonymous. Vanity was not an UGLY thing, it was art, it was part of your self-understanding and it was A way to find yourself as well as feel good and love yourself. I will die in a piece of art that I have made, POOR, WITH ALL my props.

I would say to anyone that is not sure how to express themselves. I would say spend a lot of time reading books and going to museums, watching old movies and researching on THE internet and make a folder of all of the things that you really love. I think that’s a good way TO START FIGURING out who you are. You’ll see that THE images will start to make sense. THERE will be A through line philosophy.
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(1)最初のI started OUTの箇所なのですが、動画をゆっくりみると、口が一度閉じていて"P"の口をしているように見えるのですが、いかがでしょうか?私も耳ではOUTにしか聞こえないのですが、どうしても気になるんです。。

(2)for a inexpensiveに、"a"がついているのは、この後に何か名詞が省略されているのでしょうか?文法的にはfor inexpensiveでも大丈夫だと思ったしだいです。

(3)my position as an artist in life の箇所は日本語で訳すと、「人生においての私のアーティストとしての立場」??でしょうか?


お礼日時:2012/05/14 20:59

>(1)最初のI started OUTの箇所なのですが、動画をゆっくりみると、口が一度閉じていて"P"の口をしているように見えるのですが、いかがでしょうか?私も耳ではOUTにしか聞こえないのですが、どうしても気になるんです。

これは、"I started out" の次に、"by myself" が来ているからだと思います。 "P" の口をしているように見えるのは、"out" の次の音である "B" を発音しようとしているからです。 "I started out By myself" の "t" の発音が聴こえにくいので、"I started ou' By myself" という風になっており、"P" の口に見えるのは、"B" の部分です。

>(2)for a inexpensiveに、"a"がついているのは、この後に何か名詞が省略されているのでしょうか?文法的にはfor inexpensiveでも大丈夫だと思ったしだいです。

"...people all OVER the world can do for A very inexpensive."
の部分ですね。聴き直してみると、ここは、"for a very inexpense." と聴こえます。"inexpense" という単語はありませんし、文法的にも成り立ちません。推測ですが恐らく本人は、"for a very little expense." と言いたかったのでしょう。しかしインタビューだったため、"inexpense" と "a little expense" が混同してしまい、少し言い間違えたのだと思います。
"It’s THINGS that people all OVER the world can do for A very little expense." が本来の回答だと思います。

>(3)my position as an artist in life の箇所は日本語で訳すと、「人生においての私のアーティストとしての立場」??でしょうか?

"I think PARTLY because of my desire to transcend my position as an artist in LIFE from THE underground to commercial music."
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一番最初の"I started out by myself"も教えていただいたことに注意して聞いていたら、不思議なもので今では"out"にしか聞こえません!まさに、私の知りたかったことを教えて頂き感謝しています!


お礼日時:2012/05/16 20:57
