【大喜利】【投稿~9/7】 ロボットの住む世界で流行ってる罰ゲームとは?



A 回答 (5件)


  少し訂正します。in the other occasion より、on the other occasion が適切だと思いますので。
  Sorry, unfortunately we cannot accept your application in this time. We hope you will find your success on the other occasion.
  application の代わりに、offer でもよいような気がします。
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Dear _____:

I am sorry to inform you that we have filled the position of secretary for which you recently applied.

Please be assured that your qualifications were thoroughly reviewed, and it was only after careflu consideration that we offered the position to the candidate whose experience and career goals were most compatible with the direction of our company.

Thank you for your interest in Benlow Company. We wish you success in your future.

                    Yours truly,____________
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(1) 書類選考での不採用決定の場合の一例:

Dear Mr. Piniella:

Thank you for applying for the position of international business operations manager at Yunkees Corporation, which was advertised in the New York Times on October 22.

We have received applications from far more people than we expected and had hard time choosing only a few for an interview. Certainly, Mr. Piniella, your qualifications are impressive, but we regret to let you know that we are unable to put you on the final candidate list.

We are very grateful for your interest in Yunkees, and we sincerly hope you are successful in locating the job you want in the field of international business operations.

Sincerely yours,


Thank you for coming to our office to take the interview for the position of international business operations manager.

You were among the final few candidates for the position. It tuned out to be a difficult job for us to choose only one from among them, as all of them, including you, were highly qualified, and, unfortunately, we were unable to pick you up.

We are very grateful .....

ら cannot accept your application とは論理的にはいえないでしょう。つまり、募集をし、それに対し応募(そして面接等)があり、その結果、不採用ということでしょうから、少なくとも application を accept はしていますから。
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  Sorry, unfortunately we cannot accept your application in this time.We hope you will find your success in the other occasion.
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 We wish you success in the future.
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