

与えられた語で始まる単位を表わす名詞一字語を( )内に入れなさい。(必要に応じて複数形にすること)
1,They finished two (b ) of wine at the dinner party.
2, You need a ( p ) of butter to bake this kind of cake.
3,Put a ( s ) of salt in the boiling water.
4,would you bring me a few (p ) of yellow chalk?

1,Kenji found Alice towel in the school gym.
2,Those girls are looking for men watches.
3,Mr.Tani wasn't in the teachers room.

( )内に入る最も適当な語句をa~dから選びなさい。
1,How ( ) do you have in your apartment?
a,many furnitures b,many piece of furniture c,much furniture d,much furnitures

2,Let me give you ( ).
a,an advice b,a few advice c,a piece of advice d,a piece of

3,I bought ( ) red books last sunday.
a, a couple of b, a few of c, a pair of d,a piece of

4,She took ( ) trip to Canada with her parents.
a,ten-days b,ten-day c,a ten-days d,a tenth day

5,I think it is ( ) to watch television during meals.
a,a bad manner b, a bad manners c,bad manner d,bad manners

1,How many sheet of parers do you need?
2,This Karen's handbag was made in Italy.
3,You should collect and carefully examine informations before making a final decision.

1,They met many difficulties in making this project a success.
2,he gave a lecture on japan's economy at a women's college.

A 回答 (4件)

( )内に入る最も適当な語句をa~dから選びなさい。

1,How ( ) do you have in your apartment?
a,many furnitures b,many piece of furniture c,much furniture d,much furnitures

    • good
    • 0


furniture は、家具調度品全般として見なし、
一般に piece of を使いますので
How (many pieces of furniture)do you have in your apartment?
(問題に pieces とs が付いてませんか?)

    • good
    • 0

与えられた語で始まる単位を表わす名詞一字語を( )内に入れなさい。

1,They finished two (bottles ) of wine at the dinner party.
2, You need a ( pound ) of butter to bake this kind of cake.
3,Put a ( spoonful ) of salt in the boiling water.
4,would you bring me a few (pieces ) of yellow chalk?

1,Kenji found Alice's towel in the school gym.
2,Those girls are looking for men's watches.
3,Mr.Tani wasn't in the teachers' room.

( )内に入る最も適当な語句をa~dから選びなさい。
1,How (much furniture ) do you have in your apartment?
a,many furnitures b,many piece of furniture c,much furniture d,much furnitures

2,Let me give you ( a piece of advice ).
a,an advice b,a few advice c,a piece of advice d,a piece of

3,I bought (a couple of ) red books last sunday.
a, a couple of b, a few of c, a pair of d,a piece of

4,She took ( a ten-day 【正解なし】 ) trip to Canada with her parents.
a,ten-days b,ten-day c,a ten-days d,a tenth day

5,I think it is (bad manners ) to watch television during meals.
a,a bad manner b, a bad manners c,bad manner d,bad manners

1,How many sheets of parer do you need?
2,This handbag of Karen's was made in Italy.
3,You should collect and carefully examine information before making a final decision.

1,They met many difficulties in making this project a success.
2,he gave a lecture on japan's economy at a women's college.
    • good
    • 0


与えられた語で始まる単位を表わす名詞一字語を( )内に入れなさい。(必要に応じて複数形にすること)
1,They finished two ( bottle ) of ( wines ) at the dinner party.
2, You need a ( pat ) of butter to bake this kind of cake.
3,Put a ( spoon ) of salt in the boiling water.
4,would you bring me a few ( piece ) of yellow ( chalks )?

1,Kenji found ( Alice's ) towel in the school gym.
2,Those girls are looking for ( men's ) watches.
3,Mr.Tani wasn't in the ( teacher's ) room.

( )内に入る最も適当な語句をa~dから選びなさい。
1,How ( many furnirures ) do you have in your apartment?
a,many furnitures b,many piece of furniture c,much furniture d,much furnitures

2,Let me give you ( an advice ).
a,an advice b,a few advice c,a piece of advice d,a piece of

3,I bought ( a pair of) red books last sunday.
a, a couple of b, a few of c, a pair of d,a piece of

4,She took ( a ten-days ) trip to Canada with her parents.
a,ten-days b,ten-day c,a ten-days d,a tenth day

5,I think it is ( a bad manner ) to watch television during meals.
a,a bad manner b, a bad manners c,bad manner d,bad manners

1,How many sheet of ( papers )do you need?
2,This Karen's handbag ( is ) made in Italy.
3,You should ( collect informations and examine carefully ) before making a final decision.

1,They met many difficulties in making this project a success.
( 彼らはこの計画の成功して行く過程で、多くの困難に出会った。)
2,he(She?) gave a lecture on japan's economy at a women's college.
( 彼(彼女)は女子大で日本の経済においての講義を受けた。)

    • good
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