

A 回答 (5件)




Documentation Fee or Documentation Chargese
= 書類作成費




In the shipping price breakdown, please explain the meaning of the line item 'docs' and what exactly is included in this.


New Export System (NES)

When U.K HM Customs & Excise (Customs) complete the implementation of the New Export System (NES) it will apply to all exports to non-EU countries.

NES will replace the existing export procedures, period entry, local export control and simplified procedures. The implementation transitional period for sea movements has now passed. NES is now full time live, with airports to follow in Spring 2003.

The introduction of the New Export System (NES) is arguably the biggest change to export procedures for over 20 years! - NES will affect export procedures in a number of ways:-

All shipments will require positive clearance from Customs before they can
be exported from the U.K.
Shipment details must be sent to the Customs computer and permission
to progress received before the goods can be loaded onto an aeroplane or ship.
Export details can be submitted while the goods are at an inland warehouse or at the port/airport of exit.
Every shipment needs to have a Unique Consignment Reference (UCR). This is used to uniquely identify the shipment at each stage of the export process and is key in being able to provide the necessary detailed audit trail for each & every shipment.

The biggest change is that all NES export entries are processed by the Customs computer CHIEF (Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight) - NES aims to do for export declarations what the CHIEF computer already does for 95% of import entries, i.e. receive and process the data using secure electronic messaging systems. This ‘more detailed’ declaration replaces the existing paper systems using C88s and commercial documentation e.g. Standard Shipping Notes (SSN). Customs are very keen for exporters or their agents to submit declarations electronically to minimise processing time. There remains an NES procedure that would allow paper declarations to be manually input into CHIEF by Customs staff, but this will doubtless lead to delays in the loading of goods due to EPU opening times and paper backlogs, as well as possible warehouse congestion.

PHOENIX , having made full use of the implementation phase of the new regime, is now well versed in it’s understanding of the NES. However, with this change in export declaration has come the need for specific Customs software & hardware upgrades. In addition, the input time assigned to each shipment has increased dramatically. In order to sensibly accommodate this increase in shipment processing, we will have little alternative but to implement an NES charge. This is in keeping with a vast majority of other carriers, loaders and freight agents that produce NES declarations on behalf of U.K shippers. Charging for NES input will be covered in more detail soon. In the meantime, it is very important to understand that all shipments, whether sea or air, must be supplied with thoroughly detailed export invoices. These should either be supplied in advance of cargo delivery, or should accompany the cargo upon delivery.

No longer can export invoices to tendered to us post delivery, nor can the documentation be vague in description. Simply showing a part number, or general heading will undoubtedly lead to delay in the processing of a shipment. It is therefore very important that all of our U.K shippers & vendors, overseas clients, and associate agents around the world, bear this in mind when organising exports. Like it or not, NES is here to stay!

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お礼日時:2005/03/15 10:57



docsはこの貿易業界ではよく使われる表現で、shipping docs, customs docs, "Are the docs ready for the forwarder?", "I hope nothing is wrong with the banking docs."など、documentsという長い単語を使いません。

もう一つの業界で私の知っているのは法律事務所でも使っていますよ。 Jackie, get me the docs on the Claimer case.という具合ですね。

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お礼日時:2005/03/15 10:55

何か気になるので書きますけど、確かにDocsってDocumentsの省略として使われるけれど貿易実務だったらShippings Documents(船積書類)などで使われるけど、その場合Shipping Docsって省略された使い方は見たことないわ。





回答ありがとうございます。もう少し補足させていただきます。今回の背景は、10トンくらいの装置をUKから日本に輸送するというもので、その輸送費の見積の中に記載されてあったのが、"Docs"です。Haulage:陸上輸送費、THC:コンテナ取扱い費用、Security Fee:セキュリティ料金、Docs:?、Nes:新輸出システム料金?(実はこれも自信がないです)という具合に"Docs"が記載されていました。お手数ですが、これから何か分かりますでしょうか?

補足日時:2005/03/15 10:32
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これでいかがでしょうか。 分かりにくい点がありましたら、補足質問してください。
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お礼日時:2005/03/14 18:43


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お礼日時:2005/03/14 18:41
