
Cuba was the last Spanish Colonial enclave in America and is the largest island of the Caribbean Sea. Due to its location as a crossroad between the Old and New Worlds, it is a true melting pot where different influences have intermingled for centuries. Though the Pre Columbian population was soon exterminated by the Spaniards, some remnants of their culture has been retained on recipes, names of places like Havana, for instance, and archaeological findings.

キューバについての説明なのですが、”Due to its location as a crossroad between the Old and New Worlds,”の部分がいまいちわかりません。「旧世界と新世界のクロスロードなっていたため」だとおかしいですか?

A 回答 (1件)

Due to its location as a crossroad between the Old and New Worlds,”



location = 「位置」「置かれている場所」、を「地理的位置」と意訳、、、
    • good
    • 0
