
 添削お願いしますm(_ _)m






I live in the south area in Osaka by the train and subway to Umeda for about 1 hour.
My novel and comic friends live in Kobe or Kyoto.
It takes about 30 minutes also from there to Umeda by train.
but -- since not everybody also necessarily lives in the station front in Kobe or Kyoto -- that is the reason -- They take about 1 hour for Umeda.
Kobe is the port town which "Queen Elizabeth II" etc. sometimes visits.
Many the temples and Japanese-Sinto shrines in Kyoto, is old capital of Japan long ago.
Incidentally, between three stations and about about 10 minutes by subway to Umeda from Shinsaibashi where Alex knows very well.
I like the underground city of Umeda where can meet my everyfriend,sometime(「何ヶ月かに一回くらい」と言いたいです ??"about somemonth at a time"??)

I also want to travel every place of Japan, But I am living with the old cat, it is difficult to left her.
If I am a rich man, she deposit with a pet hotel, But If it dose so, she is lonely.

But I go to here and there of near Osaka by one day's trip well.
Now, I plan to meet a friend in the old fishing village of the west of Kobe.

I writing the novel at home this Golden Week .
But I play internet at an interval of writing novels.
But completion is the problem of time.

A 回答 (1件)


I live in the south area of Osaka city. It takes about an hour to Umeda by the train and subway. I have my friends sharing common interests in novel and comic living in Kobe and Kyoto, both are each about 30 minutes away to Umeda by train. As they are not living near to main stations of Kobe or Kyoto so they each need also an hour to reach Umeda station. Kobe is one of the largest port cities often called at by "Queen Elizabeth II” and other luxury liners. Kyoto, as you may know, is an old capital full of ancient temples and Shinto-shrines. Maybe you remember Shinsaibashi well, as you have ever visited, from which you can reach Umeda in 10 minutes by subway. I love the underground mall of Umeda, this is my favorite place to meet my friends once in several months. I like to travel difference places in Japan, But I am living with my old cat, it is difficult for me to leave her at home. Of course I can keep her at a pet hotel while I am on travel. But I don’t like it as she will feel lonely, and it takes a money. Instead I usually make a day trip around Osaka. Now I plan to visit one of my friends in the old fishing village west of Kobe. During this Golden week I was writing a novel at home but no so eagerly, as I was just playing on internet when I had my free time, ha ha. But I am sure it will be completed in due course.

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 いつもありがとうございますm(_ _)m

「メイン・ステーション オブ 神戸 オア 京都」 な、なるほど… 覚えやすいし使えますね。
「セブラル」を覚えなければ… 「メニイ」「エニイ」「サム~」だけでは言葉詰まりそう…
「お金がかかる」 イット・テークス・マネー(モノいうたらカネ)使えますね。
"when I had my free time"…が「ちょっとサボって」ですね。
「お陰様」の適訳はなく、"I am sure fine thank you." くらいなのですね。
ありがとうございましたm(_ _)m


お礼日時:2009/05/06 15:10

