
Podcast で見つけたフレッド・アステアのラジオドラマショー "Sky's The Limit" ('47) を聞いているのですが、所々わかりません。
NYのバーで、パイロットの Jerry (アステア) が、仕事中のカメラマン、Gina に一目惚れしてダンスに誘うもツレない場面。
( ) 部分は自信無いですが、知りたいのは ★ の部分です。観客が笑うほどの可笑しさが分かりません…。

 Gina: I'm terribly busy, Mr. Burton.     

 Jerry: Uh, there you are, there you stood Gina, the most beautiful, the most ( chanting ), the most desirable,
    the most fascinating woman, I've never seen in all my life.

 G: Pardon me. But your adjective ( is the ) showing.      J: All I said to myself was, "Jerry, you're in love."

 G: That's fine. Now, if you pardon me?            J: You mean, you're not going to dance with me ?!

 G: ( I'm most ) certainly, I'm not. Stop ( to nagging ) me !   J: Shh! ★ Don't make ( it scene dance to ) finally. 

 G: You know, you interest me.

 J: ★ Oh, I'm just a little thing my mother dreamed up. ( thing じゃなくて think ですかね…、それでも意味が不明ですが…。)

 G: I mean, キュアリー in a psychological way.       J: I was afraid of that. Well, ( I'll ) never see you again.


A 回答 (1件)

 Gina: I'm terribly busy, Mr. Burton.     

 Jerry: Uh, there you are, there you stood Gina, the most beautiful, the most enchanting , the most desirable, the most fascinating woman, I've never seen in all my life.

 G: Pardon me. But your adjective is showing.      

J: All I said to myself was, "Jerry, you're in love."

 G: That's fine. Now, if you pardon me?            

J: You mean, you're not going to dance with me ?!

 G: I most certainly am not. Stop nagging me !   

J: Shh! ★ Don't make ( it scene dance to ) devinely. 

 G: You know, you interest me.

 J: Oh, I'm just a little thing my mother dreamed up. 

 G: I mean, purely in a psychological way.       J: I was afraid of that. Well, I'll never see you again.

私は、私の母が夢に見た小さい物にすぎない > 私は、母から見れば純真無垢の赤ちゃんってだけですよ (これを明らかにナンパしている大の男が言えば(缶詰でも)爆笑になる訳です)

    ★のところは二人が同時に喋っているので分かりませんが、多分 devinely 「(僕のダンスは)神業だよ」みたいな台詞の終わりだけが聞こえます。
    • good
    • 0


お礼日時:2012/09/23 09:37
