
“The ocean is a dig missing part” of the mercury cycle, says Pirrone, who also headed the United Nations Environment Programme’s scientific assessment last year for future mercury policy making.

Robie Macdonald, an Arctic mercury specialist at Canada’s department of oceans and fisheries, says that although mercury in the atmosphere has increased by about 400%in the past 100-150 years, concentrations seem to have risen by only about 30% in the oceans.

“We’ve been so busy looking at the atmosphere, not really looking at the oceans,” he says.

“Both papers are really important in terms of changing community attention to what mercury does and its risks.”

Any control measures on methlmercury, however, must take into account how much comes, unavoidably, from natural sources and how much is from anthropogenic sources such as the combustion of fossil fuels, points out Pirrone.

And controversy continues on that score.

A lack of data on changes in methylmercury levels in fish, and on natural or anthropogenic origins of the compound, led to a California court decision in March 2009 that allowed tuna-canning companies to avoid labeling methylmercury levels in their fish products.

The US Food and Drug Administration is currently evaluating its guidelines on the risks of consuming methylmercury in fish.


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お礼日時:2012/12/17 18:33
